Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br /> <br />ESTABLISHING AN UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN <br /> <br />Strawbridge Studios, Inc. <br />and <br />Orange County Recreation Division <br /> <br /> <br />I. PURPOSE <br /> <br />To provide photography services to patrons of Orange County Recreation Division Youth <br />Athletic Programs to include: <br /> <br />2018 Fall Youth Soccer League <br />2018 Fall Youth Flag Football League <br />2018-19 Winter Youth Basketball League <br />2019 Youth Volleyball League <br />2019 Spring Youth Soccer League <br />2019 Summer Youth Basketball League <br />Start Smart Soccer, Basketball, Baseball and Lacrosse Programs from September 1, 2018– June <br />30, 2019. <br /> <br /> <br />II. RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> <br />The Orange Recreation Division agrees to perform the following activities and provide the <br />following resources in support of: <br /> <br />□ Provide facility access to all facilities where photos will be taken and provide <br />Strawbridge registration forms to program patrons. <br />□ Provide equipment to assist with the organization of photography limited to tables, chairs, <br />tents, and trash cans. <br />□ Provide schedule of youth athletic programs listed above with dates and times that team <br />and individual photos will be offered to the patrons of these approved youth athletic <br />programs. <br /> <br /> <br />The Strawbridge Studios, Inc. agrees to perform the following activities and provide the <br />following resources in support of: <br /> <br />□ Provide agreed upon photographers to perform the task of taking team and individual <br />photos for program patrons. <br />□ Provide online methods of ordering and processing payment for photo packages for <br />patrons <br />□ Provide the needed amount of picture packets to be distributed by Recreation Division <br />Personnel to program patrons/participants prior to any scheduled photography date. <br />□ Provide the Recreation Division with all program photos taken for distribution and <br />provide corrections to any photo packets that were taken, labelled, or printed incorrectly <br />at no charge to the recipient of the photo package. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 800D1FD4-5D31-4B29-9FD6-D64760BCFD96