Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />16) Priority School Issues – Support legislation to address the <br />following issues related to schools: <br />a) Provide local school systems with calendar flexibility; <br />b) Provide full funding for State allotments including Average <br />Daily Membership (ADM) growth, and support legislation to <br />provide for an overall increase in funding based on average <br />daily memberships outside of the current formula system; <br />c) Impose class size reductions commensurate with State <br />funding for staffing; and <br />d) Maintain full funding for Driver Education; <br /> <br />17) Fulfillment of Constitutional Duties – Oppose any legislation, <br />that seeks to exempt any government employee or agent from <br />fulfilling his/her constitutional duties, including but not limited to <br />guaranteeing the right to marry for same-sex residents of North <br />Carolina; <br /> <br />18) Oppose any shift of state transportation responsibilities to <br />counties – Oppose legislation to shift the state’s responsibility for <br />funding transportation construction and maintenance projects to <br />counties. Counties cannot afford to assume costs for maintaining <br />secondary roads and/or funding expansion projects; <br /> <br />19) Broadband/Digital Infrastructure – Support legislation, funding, <br />and other efforts that provide counties with flexibility and <br />opportunities to support options for increasing access to high- <br />speed internet connectivity and expanding digital <br />infrastructure/broadband capability to the un-served and under- <br />served areas of the state. Access to high speed internet <br />connections will reduce disparities, enhance quality of life for all <br />the State’s residents, and broaden opportunities in areas such as <br />education, jobs creation, small business development, health care, <br />civic participation, and growth in farm enterprises; <br /> <br />20) Expansion of Protected Classes – Seek statewide legislative <br />action to provide all North Carolina local governments with the <br />authority to include sexual orientation and gender identity as <br />protected classes in order to protect these classes from <br />discrimination and discriminatory practices; and authorize <br />complaints for discrimination to be brought in North Carolina <br />Courts by any Equal Employment Opportunity Commission <br />recognized protected class; <br /> <br />21) Eminent Domain – Oppose adding language to a constitutional <br />amendment on eminent domain that extends any further <br />preemption of county authority to regulate the placement of <br />telecommunication towers; <br />