Agenda - 05-03-2005-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-03-2005
Agenda - 05-03-2005-9e
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9/2/2008 12:01:04 AM
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8/29/2008 10:20:02 AM
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Agenda Item
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<br />would not require the BOCC to incur any additional debt. The exact language of that <br />article follows. <br />4. Any amount b,y which the total cost of CHCCS high school #.3 exceeds <br />$27,800, 000 will be paid for by BOARD OF EDUCATIONpay-as-you-go CIP revenue <br />not z°equiring the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS to incur debt, <br />As the funds required to meet the overage described earlier are designated in the BOCC <br />alternatively financed elementary #10 project, no additional debt will be incurred by <br />funding the overages. Elementary #10, designated for the Chapel Hill - Canboro City <br />Schools, was delayed by the Commissioners from August 2007 until August 2009 to <br />insure that the debt capacity of the County did not increase. An amount of $.3,500,000 of <br />that delayed project has already been allocated by capital ordinance to the Orange County <br />Schools for overages experienced during the bidding and construction of their middle <br />school #3. Other potential uses of the delayed project finding include the senior centers <br />and the animal shelter. <br />Additional FundinE <br />An additional funding amount of $2,200,000 was designated to HS #3 if the Board of <br />Education met the "smart growth principles" as defined by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. Addendum "B" is included in its entirety for your review, <br />Addendum "B" set forth a list of smart growth principles that would provide for a <br />sustainable, compact building that would reduce the school's impact on the enviromnent <br />through efficient design, reduced site impact, improved walk ability, and alternative <br />transportation considerations. Tn .June of 2004, the Cormmissioners agreed that the Board <br />of Education had met the majority of the "smart growth principles" and by resolution <br />approved an additional $1,900,000 to the high school budget. The exact language of that <br />resolution follows. <br />NOW THEREFORE, pursnm:t to North Carolina General Statzrte 5S~ 160A-461 and <br />I1.SG431, the BOARD OF EDUCATION azzd the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS agz•ee: <br />A. that the following smart growth prozzaotizzg standards, if met in the design <br />and plans for Phase I of CHCCS high school #.3, will satisf,7~ $1,900, 000 of the smart <br />grorvtlr requirements of paragraph 8 of the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT and $1,900,000 <br />of'the smart gz°owth requirements of the INTERLOCAI, AGREEMENT ADDENDUM "A " <br />for CHCCS high school #3: <br />The remaining $300,000 of the original $2,200,000 has been reserved for transportation <br />enhancements inchzding improved sidewalks, bikeways, joint transportation analysis and <br />exploration of potential shuttle buses. Those funds have not been applied for as the CUP <br />process in Carrboro is underway and alignment with the Town's plans and DOT plans for' <br />the improvement of Smith Level Road will be critical in providing a unified plan for <br />walking, bikes and reduced vehicle traffic. This will include sidewalks along Rock Haven <br />Road, Smith Level Road and Tar Heel Drive . <br />
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