Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Reduction Efforts <br />The District has already taken major steps at reducing the projects cost and the overage <br />that must be requested.. Those reductions include: <br />• Use of future CIP funds to pay far the site $1,142,000 <br />• Use of State of NC sales tax refund $ 450,000 <br />• Use of DOT bus loop funds $ 50,000 <br />• Reduction in technology costs $ .333,563 <br />• Reduction in non-personnel startup costs $ 246,395 <br />• Reduction in furniture and equipment $ 52,500 <br />• Reduction in contingency fiords $ 6,476 <br />• Total $2,280,925 <br />This represents a 6% reduction in total project costs. The proposed contingency fiords <br />represents 2.5% of the project, less than the 3.5% standard adopted several years ago, The <br />District takes its role as fiscal steward seriously and the reductions in project costs <br />already made validates that effort. <br />Support Services recommends that Board of Education requests the additional funding to <br />complete high school #3 from the Cormty Commissioners using funding from the delayed <br />elementary # 10 budget. <br />Mr. Scroggs and Mr. Mullin will be present to answer any questions you may have. <br />Resolution: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Board of Education directs the school <br />administration to prepare and deliver a request to the Orange County <br />Board of County Commissioners for a Capital Project Ordinance to <br />increase the funding for High School #3 by an amount of $ $7,534,200 for <br />a total of $39,176,200. <br />