Orange County NC Website
9 <br />COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND DESIGN PROCESS <br />From October through March, four community meetings were held to create a <br />master plan far the park, Area residents were invited to participate in the process <br />by a variety of outreach tools. Flyers were left in community stores and were <br />mailed to homes in the area of the park, and subsequently to meeting attendees <br />and other interest parties. The new marquee sign at the Northern Center was <br />also used to advertise each meeting (with the assistance of the branch library <br />staff), Attendance at the meetings ranged from 14-32 persons, and many of the <br />group remained engaged in the design meetings throughout. The activities at the <br />community meetings are summarized in the following table: <br />-- <br />October 28 Overview of project; mission and charge; presentation of <br /> Challenges and Opportunities report, discussion of facility <br /> needs/ reference surve ,next ste s charette <br />November 18 Group brake into 5 small groups for design charette to create <br /> their own vision for the ark, then reconvened to look at desi ns <br />Janua 20 Meetin cancelled due to ice <br />February 10 Review new information, review draft master plan created from <br /> the charettes, discuss designs and identify a preferred design, <br /> lans for final meetin <br />March 9 Review and adopt final draft master plan map and report, <br /> rioritize facilities usin cost estimates <br />The master plan map identified and agreed to by the community meeting <br />participants is shown on the following page, <br />