Orange County NC Website
A biological analysis of the site was conducted and found no identified natural <br />areas or prime forest areas on the site. Stream identification work performed by <br />staff in late 2004 identified apreviously-unmapped stream that runs from <br />northeast to southwest to the pond, which will need to be buffered as part of the <br />watershed standards. The property drains from east to west into Compton's <br />Pond. Slopes on the property are relatively slight, with increasing moderate <br />slopes as one nears the pond to the west. Soils are primarily of the Georgeville <br />and Herndon types, and are generally suitable for park facility uses. <br />A cultural and archaeological survey was conducted in January 2004, which <br />identified two unrecorded archaeological sites; neither of the sites was deemed <br />worthy of further analysis. While not a part of the park master plan, the 12-acre <br />property east of NC 86 was also surveyed and the deteriorated house (ca 1911), <br />related outbuildings, hand-dug well, and above-ground fuel storage tanks were <br />recorded as part of that project. The rear portion of this 12-acre tract contains a <br />large field formerly in agriculture that was beginning to feature early succession <br />vegetation before being cleared as part of a planned wastewater system for the <br />Center. <br />A topographic survey was also conducted to identify contours at one-foot <br />intervals and all trees with an 18-inch caliper and greater. <br />In summary, the report identified several opportunities and constraints for the <br />site: <br />Existing and potential assets for park development include: <br />• Existing lighted baseball/softball field (also used for youth soccer) <br />• Existing children's playground (in need of improvement) <br />• Mature hardwood forest (suitable for nature trails) <br />• Other forested areas (which help to buffer the park from adjacent private <br />properties) <br />• A pond (potential scenic and recreational amenity) <br />• Old unimproved roadway (potential service road and/or walking trail) <br />Potential constraints to the development of the property include: <br />• Low-lying area east of the pond is within the 100-year floodplain <br />Small portions of the eastern shoreline are not within the County property, <br />which will limit access to some portions of the waterfront <br />• Drainage ditches (2) on the northern half of the Kennedy tract <br />• Pre-existing 60-foot easement for access to the Kennedy tract from NC 86 <br />(this is likely no longer an issue since Orange County owns bath properties) <br />• Newly-identified stream will need to be buffered and protected <br />