Orange County NC Website
Northern (HSCJ Park Challenges and Opportun/ties 23 <br />Wetlands and Hydrology <br />Runoff from the property drains from east to west into Compton's Pond-a 25-acre pond <br />that impounds the East Fork of the Eno River, upstream of Lalce Orange. Lalce Orange <br />is a "flow augmentation" lake that is part of the Upper Eno water supply watershed <br />network.. The pond borders the property for nearly 1,200 feet along the western <br />property line. The county property east of the pond includes aloes-lying area within the <br />100-year floodplain. That area is identified with a "Flood Easement Line" in the <br />County Land Records database. <br />A narrow, linear depression drains roughly one-half of the property. A drainage ditch <br />receives runoff fiom the surrounding uplands and from an 8-inch PVC discharge pipe <br />(origin unknown) located about 300 feet from NW corner of the NHSC property. The <br />narrow ditch carries water in westerly direction toward the pond.. A second ditch runs <br />parallel to the primary ditch (20-30' apart) and travels about 500 feet before ,joining the <br />primary ditch. The ditch becomes more stream-like as it meanders through the forest <br />and empties into the pond at a small cove. Another small channel drains the southwest <br />corner of property and flows into the pond. If the old roadway is improved for future <br />use, it may be necessary to install a culvert for proper drainage. <br />Tonoerauhy and Soils <br />Slopes on the property are mostly gentle (2-8%) with some broader areas of moderate <br />slope (8-15%) descending down from the uplands towards the pond.. The gentle to <br />moderate slopes on the property are suitable for a variety of uses and do not pose a <br />significant limitation to the property. <br />Georgeuille soils are mapped for the upland slope in the eastern section of the property <br />and in the far southwest corner below the pond. Abroad area of Herndon soils occurs <br />throughout the middle portion of the property. Those soils are suited for a variety of <br />uses, including recreation fields, Enon soils are mapped in the northwest corner of the <br />property close to the pond.. Enon soils are suitable for some recreational uses, but not <br />for any intensive development.. <br />C. "Vincent Tract" (12.22 acres) <br />The Vincent Tract is identified as Tract C on the Site Map (Figure 1). This portion of <br />the County property features an old house (ca.. 1911) and a few associated outbuildings, <br />all in a severely deteriorated condition. The Vincent buildings were surveyed in the <br />early 1990s as part of a countywide architectural history inventory, and at that time <br />the house was still occupied as a residence. <br />An environmental site assessment (Phase I level) of the property was conducted in 2003 <br />by Quantum Environmental, Inc. prior to the County's purchase of this site. The survey <br />identified three aboveground fuel storage tanks and some solid household waste, which <br />will need to be removed and disposed of properly.. The survey findings also determined <br />that the old house might contain some materials made of asbestos, which would also <br />need to be handled and disposed of properly. <br />