Agenda - 05-03-2005-7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-03-2005
Agenda - 05-03-2005-7b
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9/2/2008 12:02:25 AM
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8/29/2008 10:19:27 AM
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tz <br />Throughout the master plan process, it was noted that these funds would likely <br />not be sufficient to build the entirety of the park as proposed, and that some <br />prioritization would be necessary. <br />PRIORITIZATION OF FACILITIES <br />Accordingly, at the final community meeting on March 9, 2QQ5, County sataff <br />provided estimates prepared by a professional cost-estimating firm, for all costs <br />typically associated with each facility. Those present were asked to identify their <br />top priorities far the park, and use the cost estimates to rank those priorities as <br />their formal recommendations for the Master Plan (as shown below). The cost <br />estimates were as comprehensive as possible and included all known associated <br />costs with each facility, <br />As the first part of this discussion, there were several "givens" that were listed as <br />necessary and implicit facilities that would be needed for construction: <br />"Givens" <br />1, An entry road and two parking lots to serve the park facilitiesZ <br />2. A picnic shelter with restrooms <br />3, The play area located near the Center3 <br />4. A service road to the proposed fields on the northern part of the site4 <br />5, Picnic tables and benches at locations TBA throughout the park <br />6. Horseshoes and volleyball courtss <br />The total estimated cost of the above items is approximately $4QO,000, <br />As a next step, the citizens present looked at the proposed facilities, the <br />identified/desired needs, the cost estimates and the projected remaining <br />available funds, and identified the following as priorities for the park <br />construction: <br />1. The new baseball/softball field in the northern part of the park <br />2. The skate facility <br />3. The multi-purpose field (Tee-ball and other field sports) <br />4. The basketball courts <br />5. The nature trails/measured walking track <br />- This does not include the proposed parking lot in front of the Northern Human Services Center, which <br />would be part of the proposed building upgrades. <br />' The current play area in this site would be impacted by the entry road, and is old and in need of <br />replacement. <br />The master plan shows a possible future parking lot and wider road for these fields that may need to be <br />constructed at some future date. It is not proposed for the construction of park facilities here. <br />e While not "givens," these facilities are inexpensive and deemed not to require the group's time for <br />prioritization because of their small size and low cost. <br />
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