Orange County NC Website
/S <br />Applicant Interest Listing by Board Name and by Applicant Name <br />Contact Person: Pam Pagan <br />C'Ol1ZilZZSSlO/Z fOT' WO1ri61t Contact Pbone: 919-960-3875 <br />Skills: Social Justice Issues Also Serves On: <br />MS Natalia Deeb-SOSSa Day Phone: 919-401-2519 Se%: Female <br />109 Pinegate Apt 1 Evening Phone: 919-401-2519 Race: Hispanic <br />Chapel Hitt NC 27514 FAX: Township: Chapel Hilt <br /> E-mail: deebsoss@email unc edu Date Applied: 01/38/2005 <br />Shills: Community Service Volunteer Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Graduate School Also Serves On: <br />Skills: hispanic Issues Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Interfaith Council Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Professor Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Women's Issues Advocate Also Serves On: <br />Ms. Tudythe Dingfelder <br />215 Wild turkey Trail <br />Chapel Hill NC 275th <br />Skills: Carrboro ETJ <br />Skills: Church O[ficer <br />Skills: Homeowners Association <br />Day Phone: 919-493-8466 <br />Evening Phone: 919-929-3350 <br />FAX: 919-090-8051 <br />E-mail: judiding@aol com <br />Also Serves On: Alcoholic Beverage Control Board <br />Sex: Female <br />Race: Caucasian <br />Township: Chapel Hill <br />Date Applied: 11/08/2004 <br />Ms, Courtney Enlow Day Phone: 914-2009 Sex: Female <br />100 Country Club Road, UNC, 322 Aycock Dorm Evening Phone: 260-9106 Race: Caucasian <br />Chapel l-IiIINC 27514 FAX: Township: Chapel Hill <br /> E-mail: enlowQQ email unc edu Date Applied: 10/26/?004 <br />Skills: College Student Also Serves On: <br />Skills: Community Service Volunteer Atso Serves On: <br />Skills: Orange County Rape Crisis Center Vol Also Serves On: <br />Mrs Ann Holtzman <br />Day Phone: 919-357-7095 <br />Sex: Undesignat <br />306 Old Franklin Grove Drive <br />Chapel Hitl NC 27514 <br />Skills: Administrative Assistant <br />Skills: Fitness Instructor <br />Evening Phone: <br />FAX: <br />E-mail: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Also Serves On: <br />Race: Undesiymatcd <br />Township: Chapel Hill <br />Date Applied: 04/1(/2005 <br />Monday, April 18, 2005 Page 2 of 3 <br />