Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> RES-2018-059 DRAFT Attachment 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Resolution Detailing Orange County's Recommendations <br /> Regarding Goals for Inclusion in the <br /> North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' (NCACC) <br /> 2019-2020 Legislative Goals Package <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) <br /> organizes a process every two years to adopt a legislative goals package <br /> representing the collective interests of North Carolina counties; and <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of the process is to develop broad support for matters <br /> affecting counties that may be addressed by the North Carolina General <br /> Assembly during the upcoming legislative biennium; and <br /> WHEREAS, the goals and issues included in the NCACC package guide and <br /> strengthen NCACC representatives and staff as they converse with individual <br /> legislators and committees on legislative matters; and <br /> WHEREAS, NCACC has begun the process to develop its 2019-2020 Legislative <br /> Goals Package and requested Orange County and all other North Carolina <br /> counties to submit proposed legislative goals by September 21, 2018 for <br /> consideration for inclusion in the 2019-2020 Legislative Goals Package; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County believes there are many issues of importance to all <br /> North Carolina counties that should be included as goals in NCACC's 2019-2020 <br /> Legislative Goals Package; <br /> NOW THEREFORE we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby <br /> recommend that NCACC include the following goals in the NCACC 2019-2020 <br /> Legislative Goals Package: <br /> 1) Smart Start and NC Pre-K — Support legislation to increase and <br /> ensure secure and stable funding, enhanced quality early care and <br /> education, and family access and benefits in settings public and <br /> private; <br /> 2) Child Care - Seek legislation to reverse changes made to the <br /> childcare subsidy program available to working families, including <br /> establishing eligibility for all children at 200% of the federal poverty <br /> level, to help many working parents who are trying to become <br /> more financial self-sufficient, and to prorate fees for children <br /> attending based on the hours attended; <br />