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2 <br /> several proposed legislative goals for inclusion in NCACC's 2019-2020 package. The LIWG's <br /> draft resolution is provided at Attachment 1. The content of the draft resolution substantially <br /> duplicates Orange County's 2018 Resolution Regarding Legislative Matters (Statewide Matters). <br /> That Resolution was approved by the Board on June 5, 2018 and presented to Orange County's <br /> Legislative Delegation for the 2018 General Assembly Session. The Board will likely want to <br /> discuss the draft resolution and possibly add to, delete from, and/or revise the language of the <br /> proposed goals included in the draft. <br /> A copy of NCACC's 2017-18 Legislative Goals document (Attachment 2) is noted for reference <br /> purposes and is only available electronically at <br /> Goals. These goals for the previous biennium may provide some insight on potential goals to <br /> propose to NCACC for 2019-2020. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with consideration and approval <br /> of a Resolution Detailing Orange County's Recommendations Regarding Goals for Inclusion in <br /> the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners' (NCACC) 2019-2020 Legislative <br /> Goals Package. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br /> 1) Discuss potential goals for the North Carolina Association of County <br /> Commissioners' (NCACC) 2019-2020 Legislative Goals Package; <br /> 2) Discuss and consider the LIWG's draft Resolution Detailing Orange County's <br /> Recommendations Regarding Goals for Inclusion in the North Carolina <br /> Association of County Commissioners' (NCACC) 2019-2020 Legislative Goals <br /> Package (Attachment 1); <br /> 3) Add to, delete from, and/or revise the language of the proposed goals <br /> included in the draft resolution; <br /> 4) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution as presented or <br /> amended; and <br /> 5) Direct the Clerk to the Board to forward the approved resolution and any other <br /> related materials to NCACC by the September 21, 2018 deadline. <br />