Orange County NC Website
C! <br />7. Section 43. OPTION TO PURCHASE, of the Lease Agreement is hereby deleted in <br />its entirety. <br />Section 43. OPTION TO PURCHASE, of the Lease Agreement shall be replaced <br />with the following: <br />43. OPTION TO PURCHASE <br />Landlord does hereby grant to County the option (the "Option ") to purchase all or a <br />portion of that certain parcel of real estate upon which the building containing the <br />Leased Premises is located, and being all of Orange County PIN Number 9864 -80- <br />7829, and TMBL # 4.40.A.1A, less an approximately one acre parcel to be retained by <br />Landlord, as more fully described by metes and bounds description on Exhibit A <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Shopping Center ") <br />upon the terms and provisions set forth herein. All references to Shopping Center in <br />this Section 43 shall mean that portion exercised. <br />1. Option Period. The Option commences on the date of this Lease and continues until <br />the termination of this Lease. Such period of time is hereinafter referred to as the <br />"Option Period." If the Option is exercised on or before February 1, 2012 it is for the <br />purpose herein the "First Option Period," and there after "Option Period." <br />2. Exercise of Option. At any time during the Option Period, County may exercise <br />the Option to purchase the Shopping Center by giving written notice to Landlord in <br />accordance with the terms of this Lease stating that County is exercising the Option by <br />giving such notice. Such notice of exercise shall be effective on the date notice is <br />deemed to be given under the terms of this Lease. <br />3. Failure to Exercise Option. If County fails to exercise the Option within the <br />Option Period, this Agreement shall automatically terminate; the parties shall have <br />no further obligations or liabilities to one another hereunder; and County shall have no <br />right whatsoever to purchase the Shopping Center or any portion thereof or interest <br />therein. Time is of the essence with respect to exercise of the Option and with <br />respect to each and every term of this Lease regarding the Option and purchase and <br />sale of the Shopping Center. <br />4. Purchase Price. During the First Option Period, the purchase price (the <br />"Purchase Price ") for the Shopping Center shall be Fifteen Million Four Hundred <br />Eighty -Nine Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($15,489,000.00) payable at Closing, <br />less a credit calculated as follows: If, and only if, "Closing" (as defined below) occurs <br />on or before the last day of the F i r s t Option Period (i.e., F ebruary 1, 2012), County <br />shall receive a credit of Fifteen Thousand and no /100's Dollars ($15,000.00), multiplied <br />by the number of monthly installments of rent paid by County to Landlord under the <br />terms of the Lease during the Option Period, beginning on the Effective Date and <br />ending on the date of Closing. Such credit shall be prorated for the month in which <br />Closing occurs. If the Closing occurs after the First Option Period, County shall not be <br />entitled to any such credit. If the County exercises the Option after the expiration of the <br />First Option Period, the Purchase Price shall be as agreed between County and Landlord. <br />If the parties cannot reach agreement on the Purchase Price, the Option shall not be <br />considered exercised but the Counties right to again exercise the Option during the <br />remaining term of this Lease shall remain. <br />5. Closing. If County exercises the Option, a n d t h e p a r t i e s a g r e e o n t h e <br />P u r c h a s e P r i c e, County and Landlord shall close on the Shopping Center within <br />thirty (30) days after the date County exercises the Option (the "Closing "), but no later <br />than the end of the Term of the Lease, at the offices of County's counsel or closing <br />agent in Orange County, North Carolina, or at such other place as the parties may <br />agree upon in writing. At Closing, County shall pay to Landlord the Purchase <br />Price less any adjustments as provided herein in the form of cash or wire transfer to <br />one or more bank accounts designated by Landlord, and contemporaneously <br />Landlord shall deliver to County (a) the Deed (as defined in Paragraph 7 of this <br />Exhibit); (b) an affidavit for the benefit of County and its title insurer (the <br />"Affidavit "), stating that (i) no right to a mechanic's or materialman's lien has accrued <br />with respect to the Shopping Center as a result of any act by Landlord and (ii) <br />there are no outstanding leases or agreements with regard to, or other parties in or <br />entitled to possession of, the Shopping Center, except those leases (the "Shopping <br />Center Leases ") listed on a current rent roll furnished by Landlord; (c) a Certificate <br />of Non - Foreign Status as required by Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; and <br />(d) a settlement or closing statement. At Closing, Landlord and County shall execute <br />an assignment and assumption agreement whereby Landlord will assign the Shopping <br />Center Leases to County, and County shall agree to assume all obligations of <br />Landlord under the Shopping Center Leases effective as of the date of Closing. <br />LEASE MODIFICATION - HILLSBOROUGH COMMONS <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />2 <br />