Orange County NC Website
C. Is the method used to sub - allocate the ROAP funds fair and equitable? Open and transparent? <br />YES <br />Financial Management of ROAP Funds <br />Yes <br />No <br />D. Does the county pass through any ROAP funds to agencies or organizations that are not <br />NO <br />county governmental departments or agencies? <br />E. If yes, does the county have a written agreement with these agencies that addresses the proper <br />use, return and accountability of these funds? (Include a sample agreement with application) <br />F. Do any of the organizations or departments receiving ROAP funds plan to use private transit <br />NO <br />contractors to provide the ROAP funded trips? (Their procurementpractices will need to meet <br />all federal and state requirements for procurement of professional services) <br />G. Are ROAP funds being deposited in an interest bearing account? <br />YES <br />H. Does the county provide any local funds for transportation operating assistance to any of the <br />YES <br />ROAP sub - recipients in addition to the state ROAP funds? <br />I. Is supporting documentation maintained for all ROAP grant financial transactions for five <br />YES <br />years? IMPORTANT: Yes is the only correct answer. <br />Monitoring and Oversight Responsibilities <br />Yes <br />No <br />J. Does the county require the subrecipients of ROAP funds to provide progress reports and <br />YES <br />statistical data about the trips provided with ROAP funds? <br />K. If progress reports and/or operating statistical reports are required by the county, how frequently are these <br />provided to the county for evaluation? <br />L. Does the county require the subrecipients of ROAP funds to use the coordinated <br />transportation services of the federally funded Community Transportation System operating in <br />YES <br />the county? <br />Accountability to North Carolina Taxpayers <br />Yes <br />No <br />M. Is the county prepared to provide documentation that an eligible citizen was provided an <br />YES <br />eligible service or trip on the billed date, by whatever conveyance, at the specified cost? <br />Revised 08 -03 -18 <br />