Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 ■ County Match - $10,000 <br /> 2 ■ Friends of the Library - $3,316 for materials <br /> 3 o Library Hotspot Program - $36,000 <br /> 4 Reallocated from Information Technologies <br /> 5 • Annual Visits - chart <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Lucinda Munger, Library Services Director, said the contracts for the Hotspots will run <br /> 8 on a fiscal year calendar. <br /> 9 Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Human Services <br /> 12 Capital Investment Plan Projects <br /> 13 Orange County Southern Branch Library - $5.6 million (p. 39) <br /> 14 o Carrboro Partnership and Development Agreement <br /> 15 ■ 50 Dedicated Parking Spaces <br /> 16 ■ Design - 2018 <br /> 17 ■ Bid and Construction - Summer 2019 <br /> 18 ■ Opening — Spring/Summer 2021 <br /> 19 o Space Allocation, Operating and Capital Costs to be Re-evaluated based <br /> 20 on Colocation <br /> 21 Net New Operating Costs Currently Estimated at Over$600,000 <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Lucinda Munger said in addition to visit numbers, there are also circulation numbers. <br /> 24 She said in FY2017 there were 483,000 in circulation, and currently it is over 550,000. She said <br /> 25 the when the Southern branch opens; it is expected to match the numbers of the main branch, <br /> 26 due to the density of the population that it serves. She said staff is very proud of these <br /> 27 numbers, and these excellent services. <br /> 28 Commissioner Rich asked if the fundraising efforts are mainly from the Friends of the <br /> 29 Library. <br /> 30 Lucinda Munger said yes, and there will soon be just one Friends of the Library Group, <br /> 31 instead of two, and these groups will think about long term fundraising. <br /> 32 Commissioner Rich said the fundraising has been up and down over the years, and she <br /> 33 wanted to make sure there was a plan in place. <br /> 34 Lucinda Munger said part of the money raised in years of higher donations, was for a <br /> 35 part time literacy outreach coordinator. She said moving forward the fundraising will focus more <br /> 36 on materials, and grants will be pursued for staffing and personnel costs. <br /> 37 Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Department of Social Services <br /> 40 Social Services— page 436 <br /> 41 o Total expenditure budget - $19,443,803 <br /> 42 ■ Increase of$671,060 Over FY2017-18 Budget <br /> 43 ❖ Transfer of WIOA Grant to General Fund <br /> 44 ❖ Reclassifications - $200,000 <br /> 45 ■ Revenue Decrease of$29,020 <br /> 46 ■ Net County Cost Increase - $700,080 <br /> 47 o Administration Division <br /> 48 ■ Continue Three (3) Time Limited Social Services Assistant <br /> 49 Positions for Child Welfare Program <br /> 50 ■ Information Technology Replacements - $20,000 <br />