Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 guidelines back to the BOCC in the future. She said some people have been on the waiting list <br /> 2 for a long time, and there are 771 people currently on the waiting list. She said staff has to <br /> 3 review this carefully. <br /> 4 Travis Myren said operationally, these programs will run alongside each other, and one <br /> 5 may be on both lists at the same time. He said there may be some people who are ineligible to <br /> 6 be on the federal waiting list, but can be on the local one. He resumed the presentation: <br /> 7 <br /> 8 o Housing Choice Voucher Program <br /> 9 ■ 590 Total Vouchers Utilized in FY2017-18 <br /> 10 ■ Includes 16 Homeless Individuals through Homeless Preference <br /> 11 o Landlord Recruitment <br /> 12 Two briefings for Landlords to Increase the Supply of Rental Units <br /> 13 Available for Voucher Holders <br /> 14 o Resident Engagement <br /> 15 ■ Two Resident Engagements Workshops <br /> 16 ■ Two Summer Camps for Children of Voucher Holders <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Sherrill Hampton said spring break camps were a success, but not sustainable in the <br /> 19 summer, and so the department is partnering with BBT to host three events this summer: HUD <br /> 20 Strong Families Initiatives Family Fun Day, an event with the justice department and other <br /> 21 partners focused on family reunification; an educational field trip; and a math and reading <br /> 22 refresher camp. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Community Development Division <br /> 25 o Federal HOME Grant <br /> 26 ■ $289,693 Grant Funds <br /> 27 ■ $13,306 Program Income <br /> 28 ■ $65,181 Local Match <br /> 29 <br /> 30 o Urgent Repair Realignment <br /> 31 ■ $160,000 Balance <br /> 32 ■ Add $40,000 for FY18-19 <br /> 33 ■ $200,000 Available <br /> 34 o Single Family Rehabilitation Program Realignment <br /> 35 $293,000 Balance <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner Rich asked if the County restricts itself as to when to use these funds. <br /> 38 Sherrill Hampton said this is a multi-year account that rolls forward each year. She said <br /> 39 the number of inspectors has increased, and the single-family program will be beefed up to <br /> 40 include more. She said guidelines are forthcoming. She said the average rehab amount for a <br /> 41 single-family rehab has been increased up to $75,000, which is based on the need that staff <br /> 42 has found. <br /> 43 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there are barriers to the County being able to ramp <br /> 44 up with these repairs. <br /> 45 Sherrill Hampton said the barriers are limited staff capacity; advertising to residents <br /> 46 what the department is doing; having contractors come into the program. <br /> 47 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if staff has considered partnering with Meals on Wheels <br /> 48 as a way to advertise and promote these programs. <br />