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5 <br /> 1 Commissioner Jacobs referred to the dental services, and asked if staff tracks whether <br /> 2 residents have adjusted to just having a dental clinic in Hillsborough. <br /> 3 Meredith McMonigle said this data is being tracked, and residents are still coming for <br /> 4 services, despite there only being one location. <br /> 5 Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC was committed to moving the clinic to <br /> 6 Hillsborough to make it accessible to as many people as possible. He said any follow up data <br /> 7 would be useful for the BOCC to have. <br /> 8 Bonnie Hammersley said staff will be having that discussion with the BOCC in the fall <br /> 9 regarding the schematic design of Southern Human Services Center. <br /> 10 Chair Dorosin asked the Health Director to give a brief overview of upcoming work being <br /> 11 done in the Health Department. <br /> 12 Quintana Stewart, Health Department Director, said she is still very glad to be working <br /> 13 with this Health Department. She said the Family Success Alliance (FSA) is always doing <br /> 14 positive things for the community; the clinic will be going to a new electronic records system; <br /> 15 and some staff changes. She said she is keen to hire an Environmental Health Director. <br /> 16 Commissioner Rich asked if the sliding scale at the Health Department seems to be <br /> 17 working. <br /> 18 Quintana Stewart she does not hear any complaints, and there is still a policy in place <br /> 19 for patients who simply cannot pay and need to request an exception. She said payment is not <br /> 20 a barrier. <br /> 21 Chair Dorosin asked if the funding for the FSA includes staff salaries, or only direct <br /> 22 costs of the program. <br /> 23 Travis Myren said these funds are only for the direct costs of the program. He resumed <br /> 24 the presentation: <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Housing and Community Development <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Housing and Community Development— page 339 <br /> 29 o Total expenditure budget - $5,691,475 <br /> 30 ■ Expenditure Decrease of$175,520 <br /> 31 ■ Revenue Decrease of$424,630 <br /> 32 ■ Net County Costs Increased by $249,110 <br /> 33 o Administration Division <br /> 34 ■ Bond Administration Funds for Environmental Assessments - <br /> 35 $10,000 <br /> 36 ■ Administrative Funds for Revolving Loan Fund — Mobile Home <br /> 37 Park Initiative - $20,000 <br /> 38 ■ Risk Mitigation and Housing Displacement Fund Increase of <br /> 39 $7,222 to $75,000 <br /> 40 ❖ Risk Mitigation for Landlords - $33,750 <br /> 41 ❖ Displacement Activities - $22,500 <br /> 42 ❖ Direct Assistance for Displacement - $18,750 <br /> 43 New Locally Funded Rent Subsidy Program - $100,000 <br /> 44 ❖ Supplement with HOME Funds to Increase to $190,000 <br /> 45 ❖ Focus Funds on Hardest to House <br /> 46 ❖ 15 Households at Full Subsidy <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Chair Dorosin asked if there is a method for how staff is choosing these residents. <br /> 49 Sherrill Hampton said staff can only invite residents on the current federal waiting list, <br /> 50 but there are priorities, and staff considers input from partners. She said staff will bring <br />