Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Chair Dorosin referred to the money mentioned in this portion of the presentation, and <br /> 2 asked if this goes to Cl and then gets paid back. <br /> 3 Travis Myren said no, the County holds and uses the funds. <br /> 4 Chair Dorosin asked if there is a reason the funds are listed here. <br /> 5 Travis Myren said the County has to insure that it totals $1.355 million, because that is <br /> 6 the number in the statute. <br /> 7 Chair Dorosin asked if there is an Ombudsman to hear complaints should any arise <br /> 8 about Cl. <br /> 9 Nancy Coston, Department of Social Services (DSS) Director, said when complaints rise <br /> 10 to a level that the County cannot handle, there is a State office for oversight of these contracts. <br /> 11 She said she has referred several complaints to that office, as it is the purpose of that office to <br /> 12 handle such matters. She said this office has specialists within specific target groups within the <br /> 13 field of mental health. <br /> 14 Chair Dorosin asked if a record is kept of the number of referrals that are made to this <br /> 15 state office. <br /> 16 Nancy Coston said she does not, but she expects that the State does track this <br /> 17 information. She said general calls have decreased, and some people remain dissatisfied even <br /> 18 after speaking to the state office. <br /> 19 Chair Dorosin said it may be good to know if there is an annualized report. <br /> 20 Bonnie Hammersley said staff can keep track of calls that come in to the County. <br /> 21 Travis Myren resumed the presentation: <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Child Support Services <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Child Support Services — page 987:23:18 PM <br /> 26 o Total expenditure budget - $1,098,035 <br /> 27 ■ Revenue of$1,550,437 <br /> 28 ■ Net County Cost— ($452,402) <br /> 29 o No significant budget changes <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Janet Sparks, Child Support Services Director, said her work remains difficult, but <br /> 32 rewarding. She said the rising economy seen in many parts of the County, does not affect <br /> 33 many of the people that her department serves. She said many people, who previously lost <br /> 34 jobs in manufacturing, are now gainfully employed at a lesser rate in the service industry. <br /> 35 Chair Dorosin asked if success can be measured. <br /> 36 Janet Sparks said total collections are down nationally, and were down last year locally, <br /> 37 but are on target to meet the goal this year, but it is a challenge. She said the County collects <br /> 38 about 70% of what is owed monthly. She said there are five performance measures, with which <br /> 39 the County will be taxed in HB 630, which causes some concern, but Orange County is one of <br /> 40 the top performing counties in the State. <br /> 41 Commissioner Jacobs asked staff to send the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) <br /> 42 an email outlining the department's concerns regarding legislation. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Health Department <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Health Department— page 329 - Quintana Stewart <br /> 47 <br /> 48 o Total expenditure budget - $10,199,317 <br /> 49 ■ $287,200 Increase Over FY2017-18 Budget <br /> 50 ■ $150,750 Revenue Increase <br />