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23 <br /> 1 will cost more now than it would have then. He said he understands Chair Dorosin's point, and <br /> 2 as such, he is not in favor of 144 beds, but more inclined towards 128 or 136. He said he does <br /> 3 not have really strong feelings, and would err on the side of frugality. He said he would like to <br /> 4 recognize the County's efforts towards permanently reducing the levels of incarceration, and <br /> 5 whatever size building is made the courts will adjudicate accordingly. <br /> 6 Commissioner Rich said she does not think that building the larger facility now is <br /> 7 ignoring the values of keeping people out of jail. She said the dental clinic is a perfect example, <br /> 8 and she is comfortable with 136 or 144 beds, but not any lower. <br /> 9 Commissioner Jacobs said the jail will be expandable by pods, and the Board can send <br /> 10 a message to the community about its values by erring on the side of building lower than the <br /> 11 projected jail construction numbers. <br /> 12 Chair Dorosin said he is not convinced that it is more fiscally responsible to buy more <br /> 13 than is needed. He gave an example of solid waste, noting that buying a landfill that is larger <br /> 14 than necessary sends a counter message towards recycling efforts, etc. He said it is not <br /> 15 unreasonable to connect the policy to the construction decisions. <br /> 16 Commissioner Price said the money being saved could be put towards treatment and <br /> 17 diversionary programming. <br /> 18 Chair Dorosin asked if staff is expecting the BOCC to make a decision tonight. <br /> 19 Bonnie Hammersley said the Board does not need to vote, but each Commissioner can <br /> 20 send her an amendment for the number they chose, and the Board will vote on June 12t". She <br /> 21 said the Board can vote this evening, if it so chooses. <br /> 22 The Commissioners reviewed the capacity with which they are comfortable: <br /> 23 Commissioner Burroughs: 136 <br /> 24 Commissioner Marcoplos: 136 min <br /> 25 Commissioner Rich: 136 min <br /> 26 Commissioner Price: 128 max <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs: 128 <br /> 28 Chair Dorosin: 128 <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Commissioner Marcoplos said if the Board voted for 84 beds, would it really affect the <br /> 31 County's approach to diversionary programming. <br /> 32 Chair Dorosin said it is possible, but 120 is likely the lowest possible number given the <br /> 33 projections that are before the Board currently. He said the County should have a goal of never <br /> 34 filling the detention center. He said the overall average daily population has been in the 80s for <br /> 35 several years. <br /> 36 Commissioner Marcoplos said the County can always have a goal, but no one really <br /> 37 knows what the general population will be in 2060. <br /> 38 Chair Dorosin said 144 and 136 beds is an overbuild based on the projections before <br /> 39 the Board tonight. <br /> 40 Bonnie Hammersley said the larger build does not take the diversionary policies into <br /> 41 account, but when considering jails a Sheriff is responsible for the custody of the inmates, but a <br /> 42 Sheriff is also on the back end of the system. She said what happens at the Board level affects <br /> 43 what happens at the Sheriff level. She said all stakeholders are working together, and what <br /> 44 happens in the court system is the main driver behind how full a jail will be. <br /> 45 Chair Dorosin said it needs to be big enough to avoid frequent situations of <br /> 46 overcrowding. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price said the criminal justice system is a criminal injustice system, and <br /> 48 people are incarcerated more frequently and with greater longevity than is necessary. She said <br /> 49 Orange County can be on the forefront of changing these trends. <br />