Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Public Safety <br /> 3 Status of Diversion Facility <br /> 4 o Meeting of Stakeholders on May 91h <br /> 5 ■ Sheriff's Office, Municipal Law Enforcement <br /> 6 ■ Courts, District Attorney, Public Defender <br /> 7 ■ UNC Hospital ER, Community Treatment Providers, Emergency <br /> 8 Medical Services <br /> 9 ■ Board of County Commissioners <br /> 10 o Need to Define Eligibility Criteria and Quantify Need <br /> 11 Criminal Justice Resource Department to Define Potential <br /> 12 Participants <br /> 13 o Freedom House Coordination <br /> 14 ■ Unused Capacity for Facility Based Crisis <br /> 15 ■ Process Improvement for Law Enforcement Admissions <br /> 16 o Postpone Consideration of Diversion Facility <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Jamie Sykes said the Sheriff had to be out of town, and could not be here this evening, <br /> 19 but all staff in the Sheriff's department appreciates the work that had been put into this item. <br /> 20 Chair Dorosin clarified that the goal for this evening is to settle on a number of inmates <br /> 21 to determine to the size of the facility, allowing the design phase to proceed. <br /> 22 Chair Dorosin referred to last slide, and asked if, at this point, no matter what number is <br /> 23 decided upon, the 5 spaces for the diversion unit are not part of the consideration. <br /> 24 Travis Myren said for the initial build this topic would be off the table, but could be <br /> 25 considered in the future. <br /> 26 Bonnie Hammersley said the reason staff is not recommending this is because there is <br /> 27 capacity within the system right now, and the Sheriff's department agreed. <br /> 28 Chair Dorosin asked if it is the current plan for the Sheriff's offices, located in the <br /> 29 courthouse, will remain there. <br /> 30 Travis Myren said yes. <br /> 31 Chair Dorosin said the initial report was for 144 inmates and clarified that, if this number <br /> 32 is reduced, it must be done by factors of 8. <br /> 33 Travis Myren said yes, in order to get both a practical construction scope, as well as a <br /> 34 meaningful reduction in the budget. <br /> 35 Commissioner Burroughs said it is clear that 2037 is less than 20 years away, and the <br /> 36 current jail is over 100 hundred years old. She said this building will have to last a long time, <br /> 37 and there will be a need. She said she is comfortable staying at 144 inmates. <br /> 38 Commissioner Marcoplos referred to the flexible capacity, and asked if there is a known <br /> 39 capacity that can be absorbed, beyond the bed count, if need be. <br /> 40 Jamie Sykes said if capacity is 144, this could be stretched to 165 or 170 on worst-case <br /> 41 days. <br /> 42 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if Jamie Sykes had an opinion about a 136-bed facility. <br /> 43 Jamie Sykes said the data reflects that 136-bed may be an option, but there is currently <br /> 44 no ability for the classifications. He said a new facility would allow better adherence to <br /> 45 classification standards. <br /> 46 Commissioner Marcoplos said an additional 16 could be absorbed, and asked if it is <br /> 47 known how often this may happen. <br /> 48 Jamie Sykes said the current detention center was at 160 last week, including federal <br /> 49 inmates, which requires all involved to think creatively about how to bring the numbers down. <br /> 50 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the inmate total has been 160 before. <br />