Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> 1 o Net Savings of$37,710 Transferred to Replacement and Renewal Fund <br /> 2 o Fee Schedule Included in Fee Table <br /> 3 Current Fee Discounts Total $605,000 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Chair Dorosin asked if there is a timeline for the fieldhouse. <br /> 6 John Stock, Sportsplex Director, said late summer due to the weather conditions. <br /> 7 John Stock said profits are currently running 40% ahead of last year ($170,000 <br /> 8 increase), which is likely a record. He said this increase is coming from learn to play programs <br /> 9 (swimming, ice skating, etc.), which is building the clientele for the future. He said a large <br /> 10 number of the fitness members are seniors, which is so beneficial for overall health. He said <br /> 11 the Sportsplex is a gathering place. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Non-Departmental — page 398 <br /> 14 o Total expenditure budget - $2,339,465 <br /> 15 o No significant budget changes (the decrease in subsidy to Solid Waste) <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Detention Center Review <br /> 18 • Current Detention Center- picture <br /> 19 • Current Detention Center <br /> 20 o Rated Capacity of 128 Inmates; Significant Repair Needs <br /> 21 o Pretrial, State Sentenced, Federal Housing <br /> 22 ■ Average Daily Population of Approximately 40 Federal Inmates <br /> 23 ■ Federal Reimbursement - $93 per day <br /> 24 ■ 2016 Daily Cost - $111 per day <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is any State reimbursement. <br /> 27 Travis Myren said no. <br /> 28 Chair Dorosin said asked if the County ever goes over the 128-person limit, or is the <br /> 29 129th inmate rejected and housed at another facility. <br /> 30 Jamie Sykes said the capacity does go over 128. <br /> 31 Chair Dorosin asked if there is a maximum number that the capacity is not allowed to <br /> 32 exceed. <br /> 33 Jamie Sykes said typically other jails in the state are not used, and are creative in <br /> 34 working with the court and other stakeholders to get the numbers down when necessary. He <br /> 35 said the facility is comfortable at 134 inmates, but reach out to get numbers down when <br /> 36 capacity approaches 155 or 160. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 New Detention Center in Capital Investment Plan <br /> 39 o Capacity of 144 Inmates <br /> 40 o Infrastructure (Core) to Support up to 250 Bed Capacity <br /> 41 o Total Project Costs - $20 Million <br /> 42 o Marginal Cost of Construction (8 Unit) - $200,000 <br /> 43 First Element of the Northern County Campus Project - site diagram <br /> 44 Jail Bed Projections — Prior Studies— slide 58 9:52:03 PM <br /> 45 o 2014 Solutions for Local Government Study <br /> 46 ■ Utilized Data Through 2013 <br /> 47 ■ Pretrial and State Projection— 117 Inmates by 2033 <br /> 48 ■ Jail Management Factor 17.6% - 138 Bed Capacity <br /> 49 o 2015 Ware Bonsall Architecture Peer Review <br /> 50 ■ Review of 2014 Analysis Verified Results <br />