Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 1 Revenue Increase of$149,370 Due to Activity and Fee Increases <br /> 2 —Average of 10% <br /> 3 o Planning Division <br /> 4 ■ Reduction of$24,000 in Transportation Planning Funds (MPO) <br /> 5 ❖ OCPT Will Draw Down <br /> 6 ■ Contractual Services Expense Reduction of$34,280 <br /> 7 ❖ Impact Fee Analysis <br /> 8 o Erosion Control Division <br /> 9 ■ Reduction of$15,000 in Temporary Personnel due to Creation of <br /> 10 Permanent Position during FY2017-18 <br /> 11 ■ Erosion Control Revenue Increase $60,000 <br /> 12 ■ Reduction of in General Fund Expenditures in the Efland Sewer <br /> 13 System Fund as the System is Transferred to the City of Mebane <br /> 14 during FY2018-19 <br /> 15 ❖ Annualized Savings - $144,885 <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Commissioner Price referred to the revenue from the inspection fees, and said there is <br /> 18 discrepancy in the numbers. <br /> 19 Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said the difference is from additional activity in <br /> 20 Hillsborough and rural areas. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price said if the actual increase in the fee is to be on par with other <br /> 22 counties, or to recover more money. <br /> 23 Craig Benedict said to recoup indirect costs. <br /> 24 Commissioner Jacobs said the payment-in-lieu study has taken a great deal of time, and <br /> 25 asked if will be completed soon. <br /> 26 Craig Benedict said hopefully a preliminary report will be available in the next 2 months. <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs said Commissioner Marcoplos brought up a new bill in the <br /> 28 legislature requiring a two-day inspection turn over, or being free to go elsewhere. He asked if <br /> 29 staff plans to track this, and if it is an anticipated problem. <br /> 30 Craig Benedict said this should not be a problem, and before one can ask for an <br /> 31 inspector from the State, one must have asked for an inspector from the County. He said the <br /> 32 County does about 90-95% of inspections within one day, and 100% are completed within 48 <br /> 33 hours, which is the required timeframe. He said he has met with the Home Builders Association, <br /> 34 which is happy with the services the County is providing. <br /> 35 Commissioner Marcoplos said this is just a goofy bill. He said when one requests an <br /> 36 inspection, and it does not occur within 48 hours, the odds favor the inspection occurring if one <br /> 37 simply waits just a few more hours, as opposed to going to the state pool. <br /> 38 Craig Benedict said his department takes inspections requests until 5:00 p.m., and still <br /> 39 manages to conduct the inspection the next day. <br /> 40 Craig Benedict said for the coming year, the Planning Department hopes to monitor new <br /> 41 legislation; push ahead with the Greene Tract project; work with the Housing Department on <br /> 42 affordable housing and zoning; and various transportation issues. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Solid Waste <br /> 45 • Solid Waste— page 449 <br /> 46 <br /> 47 o Total Expenditure Budget - $10,040,421 <br /> 48 ■ Decrease of$3,090,221 <br /> 49 ■ Created Replacement and Renewal Fund for Capital - $2.1 Million <br /> 50 Transfer <br />