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DocuSign Envelope ID: 2D232CEA- B53A -4F88- 8254- 9E5614B35A63 <br />Exhibit A <br />Scope of Services for <br />Y Learning After School 2017 -2018 program <br />forthe <br />Family Success Alliance <br />Purpose: Program support resources for Chapel Hill - Carrboro to provide an after school <br />program for Family Success Alliance (FSA) students attending New Hope Elementary, a zone 4 <br />school. <br />Budget: $2,500 <br />• Funds will be used to supplement teacher salary for the program. The remaining funds <br />needed for the program will come from the Y. <br />Program Services: <br />• Recruit and enroll up to 25 1St grade students at New Hope Elementary into the Y <br />Learning after school program. <br />• Provide a four day a week program for students throughout the school year using a <br />standardized tutorial program, <br />• Maintain a 1:6 staff -to -child ratio and include at least one certified teacher at the site. <br />Outcomes <br />• Use the I -Ready program to track student progress and provide an end of year report. <br />• Survey parents at the end of the program to assess parent satisfaction with the <br />program. <br />1 <br />