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DocuSign Envelope ID: EBOFBDBE -FD15- 4428- 899B- 19A867F94OCC <br />County. That year the Samaritan Relief Ministry assisted 4,327 individuals, 3009 of <br />those were assisted with food; In 2015, there were an estimated 140,144 people <br />living in Orange County_ The Samaritan Relief Ministry assisted 10, 775 individuals, <br />9,407 of those were assisted with food. <br />For families and individuals living in northern Orange County, the OCIM food pantry is the <br />primary place to receive emergency food. The financial assistance that is available to help <br />with rent, utilities, and prescription medication is often one part of the package" to help <br />people stay in their homes and keep basic utilities available. Because the Samaritan Relief <br />Ministry requires referrals from the Orange County Department of Social Services for <br />financial assistance, the social workers can count on OCIM to be one piece in helping <br />clients get large bills paid or to be available when all public funds have been exhausted. <br />f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will they <br />be identified and connected with the program? <br />The Samaritan Relief Ministry provides services to people living within the geographical <br />boundaries of the Orange County School District. This area is primarily rural, with <br />Hillsborough being the largest municipality. The Chapel Hill /Carrboro area is served by the <br />Inter -Faith Council for Social Services- The Samaritan Relief Ministry is a referral -based <br />program. Various Orange County departments, school social workers, pastors, mental <br />health programs, and local non - profits make referrals for their clients who are in need of the <br />services this program offers. <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify Program <br />Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br />Kay Stagner is the Client Services Manager, she has managed the Samaritan Relief <br />Ministry for over 20 years. flay is from the northem Orange County community and <br />is knowledgeable of the community and its resources. When the program manager <br />has to be out of the office, the Meals on Wheels Coordinator "who shares office <br />space) and volunteers answer the office phone and receive referrals. They are <br />trained by the program manager over a period of several weeks. There is a <br />reference file they can refer to if there are questions_ Food pantry volunteers are <br />given an orientation and shadow an experienced volunteer until they are able to <br />work independently. All volunteers have had references checked and a <br />Confidentiality Statement signed prior to beginning volunteer duties. <br />h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include an <br />implementation timeline. <br />The Samaritan Relief Ministry is open year - round, Monday- Friday, 9.00 a.m. -5:00 <br />p.m -; households are able to receive food from the pantry a total of seven times <br />during a 12- month period. As long as a request is not made twice in one week, the <br />time between food referrals does not matter. Financial assistance has a maximum <br />amount (usually $75 -$100) available every six months. <br />PRO r_R,4All IAIWnPA44TinAi AnrJ P:4 n a 1 7 n f _; <br />