Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: EBOFBDBE -FD15- 4428- 899B- 19A867F94OCC <br />O Orange County Schools: Social workers refer students and their families for <br />food. <br />O Private and Charter Schools: These schools are becoming more active in <br />collecting food for the pantry. <br />O Area Congregations: Pastors of OCIM member congregations make <br />referrals for food and financial support for people within these congregations. <br />Food referrals are available to people who are initially unaware of Orange <br />County Department of Social Services and choose to go to churches for help. <br />Many donations to the Samaritan Relief Ministry food pantry come through <br />monthly food collections as well as general donations to the Samaritan Relief <br />Ministry. Many of the Samaritan Relief Ministry volunteers come from <br />member congregations. <br />O Orange County Sheriff's Office: The Sheriffs Office held a fan drive this <br />summer and OCIM received many fans to distribute to people in need. <br />® Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC: The Samaritan Relief Ministry <br />receives food at low or no cost. <br />v PORCH Chapel Hill & Hillsborough: The Samaritan Relief Ministry pantry <br />receives monthly donations of non - perishable food items from local <br />neighborhoods. <br />0 Food Lion Stores: Local Food Lion stores donate `pulled" or "near date" <br />produce, meat and bakery goods. They also provide food through the sale of <br />their "Holiday's without Hunger" boxes. <br />® Weaver Street Market: Through special fundraising campaigns, the pantry <br />receives weekly deliveries of fresh eggs, produce, butter and cheese. <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />The Samaritan Relief Ministry provides groceries and financial assistance for rent, <br />utilities, and prescription medication for families and individuals living in northern <br />Orange County. This program aligns with Orange County's Coal 1: ,Ensure a <br />community network of basic human services and infrastructure that maintains, <br />protects, and promotes the well -being of all county residents. <br />e] Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel F;i {! <br />Human Services !Needs Assessment, Orange Counbl BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel l ill Council Goals, _Carrhoro_ Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council/Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, Le. Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br />The Samaritan Relief Ministry provides food and emergency financial assistance <br />(rent, utilities, pharmacy) for people living in northern Orange County. Over the <br />years, as the community has grown, the need For emergency assistance has grown. <br />For historical perspective, in 1980, there were 94,232 people living in Orange <br />PpnrrrAnn rKIF:nunnATinnr 1/9.7/9018 R•QR-4.d AAA P -, ; <br />