Orange County NC Website
33 <br />Overview <br />Orange County Solid Waste Enterprise Fund (9 -26 -2014) <br />Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requires state and local governments to use the <br />enterprise fund type to account for "business -type activities" – activities similar to those found in the <br />private sector. Business type activities include services primarily funded through user charges. <br />The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) defines the purpose of enterprise funds as: " <br />account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business <br />enterprises — where the intent of the governing body is that the costs(expenses, including depreciation) <br />of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered <br />primarily through users charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic <br />determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital <br />maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes." <br />State and local governments should use an enterprise fund to account for its activities when the criteria <br />of either (a) or (b) are met. In most cases, State and Local Governments should use enterprise funds <br />because their activities closely resemble the characteristic described in (a) above. Moreover, it is <br />important to note that the total cost of the activity does not have to be paid for by the user charges. The <br />government (or other governmental entity) may subsidize a significant portion of the costs of the <br />enterprise fund. <br />Background <br />The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund was established in the 1970 "s by the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill <br />and Orange County to finance county landfill operations. Over the years the fund was a relatively simple <br />device consisting of tipping fee revenue, landfill operations and capital reserves. In the late 1980's the <br />governments initiated curbside recycling program, followed by a series of other recycling and waste <br />reduction programs and services that have grown and expanded until the present and achieving <br />tremendous success and popularity. In the early 1990's federal and state environmental regulations <br />significantly increased the present and future costs of landfill operations. Therefore, solid waste <br />expenditures and revenues increased significantly and the enterprise fund became more complex over <br />time. Closing the landfill last year has also had a significant impact on revenue and expense allocations. <br />The current enterprise fund is organized as follows: <br />Environmental Support Division Fiscal 2014/15 Budget = $2,019,730 <br />This division includes: equipment maintenance labor & shop operations, environmental enforcement, <br />departmental education & outreach, solid waste planning and reporting, safety administration, <br />development review, accounting (billing and receiving), purchasing, customer service, office expenses, <br />utilities, building maintenance including mowing and janitorial services, insurance and workers <br />compensation, retiree health, special events, charges by the general fund, training, etc., departmental <br />administration /management, etc. <br />Sources of revenue include: interest on reserves, regulated recyclable material ordinance permitting, <br />licensing and certification, facility rental, telecom tower site leasing and charges to 3 operating divisions <br />