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DRAFT 3 <br />• Jacobs states that Managers will know direction of fees before those dates listed <br />• Talbert discusses UNC -CH and UNC - Healthcare language adjustments (page 17). <br />Reference to Debt (page 18) includes only debt from the ILA forward, does not include <br />past debt. Ongoing Advisory Board (page 18) may be created in future <br />Consolidation of Staff Interlocal Agreement Outline with Draft Interlocal Agreement <br />• V. Financial <br />• (A) Approval agreed <br />• (B) Approval agreed <br />• (C -1) Would delay an increase more than 5% for at least 12 months. Language <br />to be made clearer. Wilson states that for some fees, even a small increase will <br />be caught by 5 %. Would need to gain approval from all boards for small 5% <br />fees. Kleinschmidt states that all 5% fees should require approval. Lavelle <br />requests a list of fees. Talbert suggests creating a tiered fee schedule. <br />• (C -2) Delete alternative (red). Original approval agreed. <br />• (D) "this Agreement" should be as defined in Witnesseth section. Lavelle <br />requests that termination date needs to be made clear. County previously <br />approved 5 -year Urban Curbside Service contractual agreement which was <br />shared with Towns. Jacobs suggests agreeing on a rate increase, that County <br />guarantees, to be included for multi -year agreement. <br />• (D -2) Kleinschmidt concerned with unfriendly termination terms. Lavelle <br />requests Carrboro Attorney to review. <br />• (D) Keep both original and alternative (red) to be reviewed. <br />• Jacobs suggests that SWAG identify sections, such as Financial and /or <br />termination, are subject to being reviewed before any approval. <br />• VI. Miscellaneous <br />• (A) Kleinschmidt supports that curbside recycling collection match trash service. <br />Alternative (red) preferred <br />• (B) Combine original and alternative (red) versions <br />• I. Term and Termination <br />o Talbert reviewed <br />• II. Construction and Demolition and MSW Landfills <br />o Talbert reviewed <br />• III. MSW Collection and Transfer <br />o Lavelle prefers using (VI -F, page 29,) as a placeholder, with edits, delete (III -B). <br />Kleinschmidt and Ward prefer Transfer Station topic to be deleted. Haven - <br />O'Donnell and Jacobs would like Transfer Station topic to be included in ILA. <br />Talbert suggests changing language to "solid waste options ", agreed to by Lowen <br />and Ferguson. Ward requests that staff present one combined document at next <br />meeting. <br />Future Meetings with UNC -CH and UNC Healthcare <br />• Thursday, October 9, 2014, 6pm <br />Assembly of Governments Meeting Topics <br />• Ward requests that staff create draft of topics, to be discussed at next meeting <br />