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X <br />Odum Conclusion: Barring a continuous year -long design, it is our opinion that the snapshot provides the <br />best information about proportionate usage by in -town and out -of -town residents, and at present we see <br />no compelling evidence that a second snapshot is likely to be different than the one from January 2015. <br />Should the SWAG wish to proceed with the July survey prior to construction, notwithstanding the <br />recommendation from the Odum Institute, staff is prepared to begin planning for the execution of the <br />survey immediately. It is estimated that the cost for such a survey would be about $22,500. No funds <br />were budgeted for this survey in the proposed FY 2015 -16 Solid Waste budget due to Odum Institute <br />advice. <br />Staff Recommendation: Delay SWCC surveys until Eubanks Road SWCC construction is complete and <br />new usage patterns stabilized and consider surveying other programs below. <br />• 24 -hour Recycling Drop -off Sites <br />Staff also anticipates conducting user surveys at the five 24 -hour recycling drop -off sites. However, <br />based on the discussion surrounding the upcoming construction of Eubanks Road there is a strong <br />likelihood that established user patterns at these drop -off sites will be altered because recycling will not <br />be available at the temporary site during construction, making the results of questionable usefulness. <br />Staff has not yet obtained a cost estimate for a drop -off site survey and would propose to use the Odum <br />Institute. <br />A survey at drop -off sites is likely further complicated by the question of when are the best times to <br />survey as sites are open continuously and as they accessible from more than one direction making how <br />to control sampling is a challenge. Thus if there is an attempt to gain a useful sample at these sites, it <br />could be more complex than those surveys conducted at the SWCCs. Staff will require Odum Institute <br />assistance for these surveys. <br />Staff Recommendation: Delay 24 -hour recycling drop -off site surveys until Eubanks Road SWCC <br />construction is complete and usage patterns stabilized. <br />• Household Hazardous Waste (HHW <br />In order to continue making progress toward providing valuable user information over the period where <br />further surveying of convenience centers and drop -off sites is delayed it would be possible to conduct a <br />user survey of the two HHW facilities. This survey could be developed and a survey began in the <br />summer of 2015. Staff has not engaged the Odum Institute with regard to HHW surveys but could do so <br />if the SWAG was amenable. Alternatively, it is anticipated that existing staff could perform the survey <br />without the Odum Institute involvement given the rather controlled and uncomplicated nature of this <br />program. The purpose of the survey would be to determine the number of users from incorporated and <br />unincorporated areas of the county. <br />While no funds were specifically budgeted for this survey the cost would be less than a convenience <br />center or drop -off site survey and funds could be identified to perform the work. Staff estimates a cost <br />less than $5,000 for in -house managed survey. If the Odum Institute is utilized a budget of about <br />$15,000 would be necessary. <br />Staff Recommendation: Direct county staff to begin planning for a survey of HHW program users and to <br />keep the SWAG briefed on progress, with a final report to be presented during FY 2015 -16. A full 30 day <br />survey could be managed by County staff with a report to the SWAG for a November 2015 meeting. <br />