SWAG agenda 052015
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 052015
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9/10/2018 4:38:30 PM
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9/10/2018 4:27:02 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Memorandum <br />To: Solid Waste Advisory Group <br />From: George Siez, Carrboro Public Works Director <br />Ken Hines, Hillsborough Public Works Director <br />Gayle Wilson, Orange County Solid Waste Director <br />Subject: Program Usage Surveys <br />Date: May 20, 2015 <br />The Solid Waste Advisory Group (SWAG) has expressed interest in acquiring information related to the <br />jurisdictional source (incorporated vs unincorporated) of the users of various recycling programs. It is <br />our understanding that the SWAG desires reliable usage data with which to make informed decisions. <br />The primary method of obtaining this information is through surveying users to determine where they <br />live. Staff recently provided information on Solid Waste Convenience Center users based on a survey <br />designed, validated and presented by the UNC Odum Institute for Research in Social Science. <br />Survey Options <br />As staff evaluated survey opportunities for upcoming FY 2015 -16 there were four possible areas to <br />consider for ascertaining the place of residence of program users: <br />0 Solid Waste Convenience Centers (SWCC) <br />Convenience centers are of special interest to the SWAG with regard to user residence. The first user <br />survey conducted was for SWCC's with the results being reported to the SWAG at their March 6, 2015 <br />meeting. It was expressed by the SWAG that additional SWCC surveys were expected to be conducted. <br />The Eubanks Road SWCC is the center most heavily utilized by municipal residents and is scheduled to <br />undergo a major reconstruction beginning in the summer of 2015 with completion not expected until <br />approximately late spring of 2016. Given that this site will be closed for construction for several months <br />it was anticipated that no surveys would be conducted at SWCC's until this construction was complete <br />and the newly modernized and expanded center reopened for business. With this site closed it was <br />further anticipated that users would temporarily initiate new waste and recycling use patterns such as <br />visiting other SWCC's, taking recyclables to 24 -hour drop -off sites, increasing use of curbside collection <br />services or other waste disposal and recycling behavioral changes. Therefore the efficacy of conducting <br />a survey during this period would seem to be of little value. SWAG staffs were in general agreement <br />with this conclusion, although committed to proceeding with a survey at the SWAG's direction. <br />However, there is a small window prior to the expected beginning of construction (July 13 -26) when a <br />SWCC survey could be conducted should the SWAG wish to proceed. Staff assumes that such a survey <br />would be used to gain additional information to supplement the previous survey. Staff has consulted <br />the Odum Institute regarding both the issue of SWCC surveying during Eubanks Road SWCC construction <br />(surveying the other four centers and a temporary Eubanks Road center) and of conducting a quick <br />survey prior to the beginning of construction. <br />
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