SWAG agenda 052015
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 052015
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:38:30 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 4:27:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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13 <br />collection agreement. It is desired and recommended to implement a change in frequency of <br />collection to the contract upon contract renewal discussions. Currently, we are in the second <br />year of a five -year term agreement for weekly curbside collection. Total time to implement <br />could range from 1 year to 2+ years. <br />12. Residential Organics <br />■ Assess feasibility and costs /benefits <br />■ Could be informed by waste characterization study <br />Suggested Timeframe: An assessment of expanding residential organics collection, which <br />would include a waste composition study, would take about 1 year and likely involve a <br />consultant. Depending on the resulting staff recommendation to the SWAG and the <br />subsequent recommendation to elected boards including time for public comment and input, <br />another 1 year would be likely. Depending on the specific implementation (if recommended <br />and endorsed by the boards) an implementation could take an additional 1 -2 years. Total <br />timeline to implement could range from 3 -4 years. <br />13. Pay -As- You -Throw (PAYT) Waste Collection <br />■ Assess feasibility and costs /benefits <br />■ Could be informed by waste characterization study <br />Suggested Timeframe: Numerous evaluations, analysis and reports have been conducted by <br />the various staffs over the past several years and another report could be completed in less <br />than one year. A waste characterization study prior to considering PAYT would be <br />recommended and can take about 6 months. It is estimated that another year could be <br />spent discussing and debating among the SWAG as to what, if any, recommendation should <br />be provided to the governing boards. If the boards agreed upon a particular PAYT <br />methodology it is estimated that it could take 1 -2 years to plan and implement the program <br />simultaneously in all jurisdictions. Considerable attention to public education and outreach <br />would be required limiting other staff workload for that period. UNC -CH and UNC- <br />Healthcare may also have an interest in any decision. Total time to implement could range <br />from 3 to 4 years. <br />Long Term Issues <br />Staffs believe that some sort of technical advisory committee would be appropriate and <br />necessary to explore and evaluate more intricate or longer term type issues or issues that are <br />likely to be publically contentious. Alternatively, local government staff could provide this <br />function once satisfactory progress is made on more short /mid -term priorities. <br />• Uses for closed landfills <br />• Alternative technologies <br />
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