SWAG agenda 052015
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 052015
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:38:30 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 4:27:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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12 <br />• Consider alternative methods of service delivery <br />• Evaluate costs /benefits of programs <br />• Could be informed by waste characterization study <br />Suggested Timeframe: Comprehensive evaluation of non - residential recycling services will <br />likely take up to 1 year and potentially involve the assistance of a consultant. A waste <br />composition study is proposed and could take approximately 6 additional months. Following <br />evaluation, staffs would develop recommendations for SWAG consideration. Further <br />timeline would depend on subsequent SWAG recommendations and elected board decisions. <br />Total timeline could be approximately 2 -3 years. <br />9. Assess the Effectiveness of and Compliance with the Regulated Recyclable Materials <br />Ordinance (RRMO) <br />■ Make ordinance or enforcement adjustments as necessary <br />Suggested Timeframe: This item would require staff to develop a method of assessment and <br />conduct the assessment over a period of time, possibly 1 -2 years. Further timeline would <br />depend on results of assessment, such as requirements for ordinance revisions, changes in <br />enforcement strategies, etc. Total timeline could be approximately 2 -2.5 years. <br />10. Consider Options for Providing Non - municipal Operated Waste Collection Services — i.e. <br />franchising <br />• Reduce fuel usage <br />• Minimize costs <br />• Maximize access to services <br />Suggested Timeframe: Assessment of current non - governmental waste collection services <br />and development of a recommendation for SWAG consideration could take up to 1 year. <br />Further consideration by the SWAG leading to a recommendation to elected boards could <br />require another year or more. Depending on the final decision an additional 18 months for <br />implementation would likely be required. Total time could be approximately 3 -3.5 years. <br />11. Evaluation of Urban Curbside Program <br />• Collection frequency upon request by Towns <br />• Capacity for adding additional materials to recycling stream (ongoing) <br />Suggested Timeframe: An assessment of moving from weekly to bi- weekly (every other <br />week) municipal curbside recycling services, including costs and other implications could be <br />performed in approximately 6 months. Actual implementation of bi- weekly services could <br />depend on budget cycle timing, timeliness to inform residents of a change, willingness of <br />contractor to negotiate mid - contract and /or modify the remaining term on an existing <br />
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