SWAG agenda 052015
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 052015
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:38:30 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 4:27:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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10 <br />3. Rural Curbside Recycling Expansion (implementation active upon adoption of Funding <br />Option) <br />■ 3 year phased implementation to begin in spring FY 2015/16 <br />Suggested Timeframe: Consistent with fee option proposal rural expansion element <br />county staff is currently planning and has incorporated into the FY 2015116 proposed <br />budget phase 1 rural expansion (of three year phasing) of curbside recycling with roll cart <br />option. We anticipate that phase 1 implementation (cart distribution and collection to <br />about 3,500 or half of the parcels not currently being serviced curbside) will be complete <br />by March -April 2016. Completed implementation for curbside recycling to all improved <br />residential properties in the County is estimated to be March -April 2018. County staff is <br />initiating a routing study and data collection. <br />4. Development of Local Waste Disposal Facility <br />• Landfill or transfer station <br />• Minimize environmental and neighborhood impacts of siting <br />• Maximize waste reduction <br />• Generate revenue to fund facility operations and debt <br />• Reduced operating costs <br />• Consider proven alternative technologies as appropriate <br />Suggested Timeframe: Given the extraordinary cost and effort for hauling waste to <br />Durham County disposal facilities (less so for Hillsborough), coupled with the time <br />required to successfully site, design, permit and construct a local facility, staff believes it <br />is necessary to begin the process as soon as possible. Staff suggests that preliminary <br />discussions begin asap (summer 2015). Under reasonably deliberate and meaningful <br />jurisdictional collaboration, it could take 3 -4 years to plan and construct a transfer <br />station. Deduct 1 year if a site search is not required. A landfill proposal could likely take <br />a minimum of 6 -7 years and a site search would be required. Staff at this time has <br />received no guidance from the SWAG on this issue, including process and /or timeline. <br />Note: Staffs can prepare updated cost estimates for hauling waste to Durham disposal <br />facilities compared to using a local facility within the next 2 -3 SWAG meetings if desired. <br />5. Exploration and Implementation of cooperative operations with UNC -CH and UNC - <br />Healthcare (initial explorations underway) <br />Suggested Timeframe: Staff is already engaged in this endeavor with UNC -CH and once <br />the "low hanging fruit" has been evaluated and addressed additional opportunities will <br />be explored. The evaluation of collaborative opportunities with UNC- Healthcare can be <br />initiated over the remainder of 2015. Staff will provide periodic progress updates to the <br />
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