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9 <br />would be required limiting other staff workload for that period. LINC -CH would also have an <br />interest in any decision. Total time to implement could range from 3 to 4 years. <br />13. Develop strategy for measuring and tracking solid waste services <br />Suggested Timeframe: The staffs would discuss the various indicators, yardsticks and <br />benchmarks available or necessary as relates to various programs and services. Staff would <br />then consider the data collection methodology and reporting frequency that would be <br />suitable. Establishing data collection and reporting protocols could be phased in, beginning <br />with services /programs with the most interest. Initial discussions and data collection and <br />reporting recommendations could take place within 6 months. Full broad -based program <br />data reporting and monitoring could take up to 2 years depending on other workload and <br />data objectives. Also, to have a meaningful evaluation of program performance and <br />objectives it is desired to have data collection over a multi -year period. Total timeline to <br />fully implement could take up to 2 years, however constantly changing or expanding <br />programs and services would make this an ongoing and evolving activity. <br />Note: Staffs will prepare updated cost estimates for hauling waste to Durham disposal <br />facilities compared to using a local facility within the next 2 -3 SWAG meetings. <br />Lone Term Issues <br />Staffs believe that some sort of technical advisory committee would be appropriate and <br />necessary to explore and evaluate more intricate or longer term type issues or issues that are <br />likely to be publically contentious. Alternatively, local government staff could provide this <br />function once satisfactory progress is made on more short /mid -term priorities. <br />• Uses for closed landfills <br />• Alternative technologies <br />o develop criteria /principals for evaluation <br />➢ consider only proven <br />➢ determine impact on recycling <br />➢ evaluate risk <br />➢ define local interests <br />• Evaluate and update solid waste ordinances <br />• Development of regional /multi- county cooperative relationships <br />• Biosolids <br />r,anarA <br />Timeframe - Most new program implementation, major current program expansions and all <br />facility construction require multiple years to plan and implement. So terms such as short - <br />term, mid -term and long -term may not be viewed by everyone through the same timeframe <br />lens. For example, it may be suggested that expansion of rural curbside recycling is a short- <br />