Orange County NC Website
15 Formatted: Font: 20 pt <br />-- - -- Formatted: Font: 20 pt <br />organic wastes, especially commercially generated food wastes, and the expansion of non- <br />residential recycling programs and services. County, in cooperation with Towns, may <br />develop recycling performance and tracking measures for various programs of interest. <br />Collected data will be maintained in a secure manner, consistent with public records law of <br />North Carolina. <br />Vll. FINANCIAL <br />A. Fees for the purpose of providing multi - family and urban curbside recycling services within <br />the jurisdictions of the Towns shall be established through each Town's budgetary process. <br />Through such process Towns shall establish recycling service fees based on County's <br />recommendation, which recommendation shall be based on County's good faith estimate of <br />the costs of providing recycling services within the Towns' jurisdictions. Each Town shall <br />authorize County to collect and administer fees established for the purpose of providing <br />recycling services within the Towns' jurisdictions. County shall apply the full revenue of said <br />fees solely toward the costs of providing services within the Towns' jurisdiction. <br />1. The Town of Chapel Hill shall, through its budgetary process, set fees for the costs of <br />services provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement for those areas of the <br />Town situated in Durham County. <br />2. The Town of Chapel Hill shall establish said fees based on County's <br />recommendation, which recommendation shall be based on County's good faith <br />estimate of the costs of providing services contemplated by this Agreement within <br />that area of the Town situated in Durham County. <br />3. The County will provide proposed fees to Towns for Urban Curbside and Multi- family <br />recycling services by April 1 (Solid Waste Directors recommendation) and May 1 of <br />each year (County Manager's recommendation if different from Directors), unless <br />multi -year fee rate is established. <br />4. The Town of Chapel Hill shall authorize County to collect and administer said fees <br />