SWAG agenda 030615
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 030615
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:31:33 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 4:24:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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24 <br />During the years that UNC Hospital delivered waste to Orange County landfill, the County enforcement <br />process helped identify loads containing regulated medical wastes or corrugated cardboard and other <br />County regulated recyclables to identify and correct problems resulting in delivery to the landfill. <br />Between Orange Countv and the Towns <br />Due to the long -term integrated nature of solid waste governance and operation beginning with joint <br />purchase, ownership and governance of the Orange Regional Landfill in 1972 by Carrboro, Chapel Hill <br />and Orange County through 2000 and the County -wide recycling program begun in 1987, there is a long <br />list of programs and services available to those living within Town limits as well as outside Town limits. <br />Unlike County -Town solid waste relations in many jurisdictions, the solid waste and recycling programs <br />and services here are characterized by a high level of cooperation and integration of services that have <br />resulted in a high level of program performance and efficient operations characterized by a single <br />centralized, relatively seamless County -wide recycling effort, an agreed on single fiscal management <br />entity and financing modality and until 2013, a single disposal location for all municipally generated <br />waste. The lengthy list below illustrates the deeply connected nature of these services and programs. <br />Beginning in 1972 and continuing through 2013 MSW as well as yard waste and construction and <br />demolition (C &D) wastes collected by the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough were, as a <br />condition of the interlocal agreement, directed to the Orange County Landfill. Now yard waste and <br />some limited Town - generated C &D are collected while MSW is shipped out to transfer stations then to <br />private landfills. <br />Current recycling services provided to the towns (incorporated municipalities) by the County <br />include: <br />Weekly residential curbside collection (single stream) — co- mingled collection provided <br />by contract to the County to all urban single family residences using 95 gallon roll carts; <br />materials include clean and dry paper, metal cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic <br />bottles /tubs /cups, drink and milk cartons, cardboard, aerosol cans, aluminum foil /trays. <br />New roll carts were financed by County with Towns pursuing NC DENR grant funding <br />individually to support purchases. Grant proceeds returned to County covered about <br />20% of purchase costs. Now serving over 18,000 units yielding 4,700 tons a year. <br />Multi family collection (single stream) — co- mingled collection available to all multi- <br />family facilities throughout the County. Materials included are the same as in curbside <br />above, except cardboard, which is collected separately and privately by each complex. <br />Now serving approximately 16,000 units yielding 1,200 tons a year. <br />Food Waste collection — available to all restaurant, food preparation, supermarket, etc. <br />(pre and post- consumer) who meet a County established minimum monthly quantity <br />and can adhere to quality requirements and accessibility. Now serving 35+ locations, <br />yielding over 1,500 tons a year. <br />ear /Restaurant and other commercial location collection (single stream, same materials <br />as multifamily, excluding cardboard) — potential for developing long -term goal to serve <br />
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