Orange County NC Website
/6 <br />Variable <br />Response <br />Percent <br />95% Confidence Interval <br />Do you live within the town limits of one of the <br />towns? (If Uncertain/Can't Determine is <br />marked,... (n =1335) <br />Yes <br />11.09 (9.36- 12.82) <br />No, outside town limits <br />88.91 (87.18- 90.64) <br />Do you live within the town limits of... (n =128) <br />Carrboro <br />25.70 (17.20 - 34.21) <br />Chapel Hill <br />54.31 (45.59- 63.03) <br />Hillsborough <br />19.99 (15.94- 24.03) <br />Do you have access to curbside recycling <br />services? (n =1305) <br />Yes <br />47.61 (45.17- 50.05) <br />No because outside town limits <br />51.20 (48.77 - 53.63) <br />No because in apartment <br />1.19 (0.49 -1.90) <br />Are you recycling here today? (n =600) <br />Yes <br />50.96 (47.00 - 54.91) <br />Not recycling today <br />49,04 (45.09 - 53.00) <br />Since you have access to curbside recycling, <br />why did you bring recycling here? (n =277) <br />Coming here anyway to drop off trash or other items <br />66.42 (60.36 - 72.49) <br />Recycling containers were full before my curbside <br />collection day <br />9.89 (6.29 - 13.50) <br />Missed my regular curbside day <br />1.47 (0.31 -2.63) <br />Other, specify: <br />22.21 (16.53- 27.90) <br />If you had access to curbside recycling, do you <br />think you would use it? (n =659) <br />Yes <br />62.02 (58.22- 65.82) <br />No <br />37.98 (34.18- 41.78) <br />How often do you typically use any of the <br />convenience centers? Is it... (n =1317) <br />More than once a week <br />32.38 (29.85- 34.91) <br />About once a week <br />39.21 (36.4441.99) <br />About once every two weeks <br />15.88 (13.74 - 18.02) <br />Less than every two weeks <br />12.52 (10.67 - 14.38) <br />