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30 <br />University of Georgia, Athens GA <br />1) Most UGA recycling tonnage goes to the Athens Clarke County (ACC) Recycling Facility for <br />processing. <br />2) ACC Recycling Division conducts over a hundred tours a year of the ACC Recycling Facility, <br />compost facility and landfill. Many are for UGA students and /or staff. <br />3) UGA and ACC partner on community waste reduction events - GreenFest awards programs, <br />electronic events, etc. <br />4) ACC Recycling Division tries to table and /or perform every outreach request from UGA staff <br />and /or facility. <br />5) ACC Recycling Division has an internship program and all interns over the past 10 years have <br />been UGA students. <br />6) ACC Recycling Division partners with various UGA Departments on specific events and /or <br />programs. Annually College of Business students head up America Recycles Day events for <br />ACC <br />7) ACC has partnered with UGA College of Environment and Design on a CHaRM (center for <br />hard to recycle materials) charrette and ongoing with the UGA Material Reuse Program <br />including an outdoor classroom and compost toilet build at our landfill site. <br />8) UGA contributes material to the ACC Recycling Teacher Reuse Store <br />9) ACC and UGA Office of Sustainability started meeting quarterly to discuss strengthening our <br />partnership and to establish better communication between the two entities. <br />Others contacted during interview phase but no response given: University of Oregon Eugene, <br />University of Michigan Ann Arbor and University of California Berkeley. This list is obviously far from <br />exhaustive and other information may be provided as time and utility permit. <br />Conclusion <br />Healthcare, university and local government staff will continue discussions of potential areas of <br />cooperation and return to the SWAG in the next few meetings to discuss and potentially make <br />recommendations on areas for cooperative waste management opportunities. Staff may recommend <br />using a three - tiered approach to identifying, developing and implementing short -term, medium -term <br />and long -term areas for cooperation among the County, Town, UNC and UNC Hospitals. <br />W <br />