Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Memorandum <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />To: Solid Waste Advisory Group <br />Subject: Summary of Report on Solid Waste Fees in Select NC Counties <br />Date: January 29, 2015 <br />The SWAG requested information on financing mechanisms in use elsewhere in North Carolina <br />counties that operate Solid Waste Convenience Centers (SWCCs) and use availability or other <br />annual fees to fund all or part of their solid waste operations. Staff managed a review of solid <br />waste funding mechanisms used by fifteen counties; among them are those that were selected <br />because they have demographic or geographic characteristics that might be similar to Orange <br />County or other features of the fee structures that enable comparison. <br />The key findings of the review are that none of the counties fund their programs exactly the <br />same and all use a variety of mechanisms that combine various funding sources and <br />incorporate a variety of limitations and application characteristics that make easy comparisons <br />problematic. The general fund is often used to support or supplement aspects of services and <br />facilities, including various overhead functions. Knowledge of the intricacies of the fee <br />applicability and administration also varied considerably with some county contacts having <br />minimal detailed understanding of their fees with several uncertain whether their fees were in <br />fact availability fees as defined by statute. <br />There is no one apparently 'best' way to fund solid waste systems that include convenience <br />centers. Some counties rely primarily or exclusively on solid waste fees and use varying <br />terminology to describe their fees which can make interpretation a bit tricky. In this review we <br />attempted to include only those counties that used some type of availability fee that was <br />charged to a whole class of potential users irrespective of use of program or service and <br />excluded user fees that are based on use or non -use of a program or service. Some counties <br />combine availability fees with general fund and other revenues such as recycling material sales <br />or state funds. Some provide trash and /or recycling collection services while others offer only <br />use of convenience centers for the public monies used. Some operate as enterprise funds and <br />some do not. <br />