SWAG agenda 110316
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 110316
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:12:24 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 4:00:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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➢ Continued cooperation and collaboration between the Towns, County, University, and UNC <br />Hospital. <br />6. How to Identifv Additional Reasonable Waste Reduction ODDortunities <br />➢ Examine waste characterization data <br />o What potential recyclable materials remain in the waste stream, in what quantities and <br />from which service sectors? <br />➢ Establish process to convert waste characterization data into new or improved program options <br />• Determine recovery potential for these identified materials. <br />• Develop programmatic means and methods for capturing targeted materials. <br />• Identify facility improvements or new facilities that enable materials collection, <br />processing and /or transfer. <br />• Determine cost estimates for new or improved programs and availability of funding. <br />• Confirm markets for these identified materials. <br />• Consider public acceptance for potential program enhancements. <br />• Conduct pilot studies of programs as necessary. <br />➢ Consider proven technologies that may aid in waste reduction progress. <br />➢ Examine how to make enforcement more effective and productive. <br />7. Refine Process to Develop Strategies for Goal Identification and Implementation <br />➢ Complete waste characterization study. <br />➢ With assistance of recycling consultant, staffs perform the analysis and construct a draft plan <br />following the elements noted in section 6 above. <br />o Analysis likely to take one to two years. <br />➢ Staff recommends a mix of program and service options and, based on estimated tonnage <br />capture or reduction at the source, recommends a corresponding new waste reduction goal. <br />o Includes funding requirements and source(s) that are consistent with adopted solid <br />waste financial plan. <br />➢ Recycling Plan Adoption and Implementation ( SWAG /Managers /Staffs /Jurisdictions elected <br />bodies) <br />• Include goal achievement timelines and deadline as /if desired (not required). <br />• Propose new goal be established by additional tonnage diverted from disposal. <br />• Conduct public workshops, forums or other outreach as necessary to obtain public <br />input. <br />• Assumes significant supporting education and outreach for public understanding and <br />acceptance. <br />➢ Achieve new waste reduction goal —continue to lead state and region in waste reduction. <br />Note: This strategy does not include the necessary political process and represents only the more <br />technical and operationally associated staff viewpoints. Should the SWAG agree with the staff approach <br />a political and public input process would of necessity have to be established to guide, monitor and <br />provide the necessary decision making. <br />3 <br />
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