Orange County NC Website
58 <br />Orange County, NC <br />Financial Plan and Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />• Debt Service Principal /Debt Service Interest: Debt servicing line items including debt <br />service to principal and debt service to interest were escalated but kept in the same <br />proportion, <br />• Contributions to Equipment Reserves: Note that one of the largest operating expense <br />line item accounts is the Contributions to Equipment Reserves, which has historically <br />varied significantly from year to year and will likely do so in future years. SCS <br />utilized values that were provided by the County as projected costs for this line item <br />account for the four subsequent future fiscal years. SCS assumes the existing <br />equipment reserve fund will be incorporated into any future R &E Fund. <br />• Capital Expenses — IT Equipment and Furnishings: The limited expenses of IT <br />Equipment and Furnishings were assumed to be $5,000 and $1,000 annually in the <br />four years succeeding the Test Year. <br />• Capital Expenses — Equipment and Vehicles: The costs for replacing the County's <br />vehicles operated within the Solid Waste Department is expected to be financed <br />through various mechanisms including the Equipment Reserves Fund and debt - <br />servicing, thus, these line items are handled under separate lime items in capital <br />expenses as lump sum costs provided by the County. <br />• Capital Expenses — Construction: The costs for upgrades to the County's solid waste <br />and recycling convenience centers that are anticipated to occur in FY 2017 -18 and FY <br />2019 -20 are expected to be debt - financed and, thus, are handled in capital expenses <br />under the Construction line item account as lump sum costs with correlating amounts <br />introduced into the revenues in the Appropriated Fund Balance line item account as <br />loan proceeds. <br />OTHER ASSUMPTIONS <br />• Program Fee kept at $107 /year and appropriated fund balance used to balance budget <br />for status quo Scenario 1 for FY 2016 -17 ONLY. <br />C -3 <br />