Orange County NC Website
Orange County, NC <br />Financial Plan and Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />LIST OF MODEL ASSUMPTIONS <br />GENERAL <br />61.1 <br />• The County provided FY 2016 -17 Budget values for revenues and expenses <br />associated with the Enterprise Fund. SCS compared these values with the previous 3 <br />years of "Past Actual" values for FY 2012 -13, 2013 -14, and 2014 -15, as well as the <br />FY 2015 -16 Original Budget and Revised Budget values, to assess the reasonableness <br />of the Budget. Obviously, certain revenues and expenses have been dramatically <br />changed since the closing of the County's sanitary landfill in June 2013. Generally <br />speaking, SCS concluded that the FY 2016 -17 Budget values for the anticipated <br />revenues and operating expenses that the County provided were appropriate and <br />reasonable based on our understanding of the County's solid waste and recycling <br />programs and facilities operating under each of the four divisions. Furthermore, SCS <br />concluded that the FY 2016 -17 Budget values for approximately 33 revenue line <br />items and 50 operating expense line items were appropriate to serve as the baseline, <br />or'Test Year" for projecting the subsequent four future fiscal year revenues and <br />operating expenses. The exact manner in which these projections were accomplished <br />is described below. <br />• Line item accounts that had a value of zero for the FY 2016 -17 Budget were <br />anticipated to be zero for all future years and, thus, were essentially excluded from <br />the analysis. Only Revenue and Expense account line items with a value greater than <br />zero were included in this analysis. <br />• Future projections for line items are escalated using the annual inflationary factor of <br />2.1 %, which represents a calculated average of historical CPI. <br />• For purposes of characterizing annual deficits within the Enterprise Fund as being <br />funded by revenue that would originate from potential increases to the County's <br />property tax rate (per $100 of assessed value), SCS assumed that each $0.01 <br />incremental increase to the tax rate yielded $1,655,660 in annual revenue. <br />REVENUES <br />• Future projections for the 33 revenue lime item accounts for the four subsequent fiscal <br />years (FY 2017 -18, FY 2018 -19, FY 2019 -20, and FY 2020 -21) are either maintained <br />constant or escalated using the annual inflationary factor and the Test Year as the <br />baseline, unless noted in the table below as being handled differently. <br />• County Solid Waste Programs Fee: The current fiscal year (FY 2015 -16) is the first <br />year in which this revenue line item account has been in effect and SCS understand it <br />reflects the initial Program Fee of $107 applied to 60,178 parcels. Projections for the <br />four future fiscal years were escalated by 1.1 %, which is the projected annual <br />population growth, to reflect the fee being assessed for additional parcels. <br />C -1 <br />