Orange County NC Website
48 <br />Orange County, NC <br />Financial Plan and Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />to increase waste disposal at the C &D Landfill to capture economies of scale should <br />be considered. <br />5.2 EXPENSE REDUCTION STRATEGIES <br />SCS performed a cursory overview of Department programs to identify opportunities to reduce <br />expenses in order to reduce the quantity of General Fund monies to Enterprise Fund. Expense <br />reduction strategies identified include: <br />• Commercial curbside collection and residential drop -off collection of food and other <br />organic wastes currently cost the Department $80 per ton under its contract with <br />Brooks Contracting. The Department could encourage residents to compost at home <br />to reduce expenditure by the Department and keep the waste closer to its point of <br />origin for direct reuse. Alternatively, the County could shift the costs of the program <br />to its largest benefiters, business entities. <br />• Reduce debt servicing costs by continuing to contribute to an equipment reserve fund <br />with which replacement equipment is purchased outright. Consider implementation of <br />an R &E fund to pay for unexpected costs outright, rather than relying on debt <br />financing. <br />• Consider altering Waste and Recycling Center hours or days of operations to <br />minimize down -time and reduce staff /maintenance costs per customer served. <br />• Consider potential for developing a regional transfer station to reduce hauling <br />expenses and tipping fees to out -of- county entities. <br />• Establish a long -term financial plan that provides a sustainable financial structure for <br />the Fund. This plan should be formed as a result of a continued evaluation of <br />Department programs to identify issues and inefficiencies (if any exist), optimize the <br />structure of the Department, and find opportunities to further share resources among <br />the four Divisions, in addition to other tasks to increase the effectiveness of the <br />implementation of solid waste and recycling services. <br />5.3 RATE BENCHMARKING <br />Exhibit 23 graphically illustrates a comparison of the County's FY 2015 -16 Program Fee of $107 <br />with other North Carolina Counties' cumulative Solid Waste Fee rates. As shown, the annual <br />solid waste fees for various municipalities range from a low of $15 to approximately $250. It is <br />unclear what governmental subsidies exist for the communities with the lower fees or what <br />services are provided for the corresponding fees. It is also important to consider the level of <br />service offered by Orange County and the emphasis on environmental justice in regards to waste <br />reduction and recycling, including the achievement of a 64 percent recycling rate. It is not likely <br />to be matched by many, if any, of these jurisdictions. <br />Benchmarking of solid waste agencies is often difficult to accomplish since levels of service and <br />internal charges and subsidies are often difficult to discern from one municipal system to <br />35 <br />