Orange County NC Website
47 <br />Orange County, NC <br />Financial Plan and Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />not be funded at the current rate of $107.00, nor the increased Fee amount under <br />Scenarios 2A, 213, or 3A. <br />• In the event that the Program Fee was eliminated in its entirety, in the spirit of a true <br />enterprise fund, with no General Fund Contribution or Appropriated Fund Balance, <br />based on Scenario 7, the impact on the tax rate would be a required increase of up to <br />$0.07 per $100 of assessed value per year. <br />• The Pro Forma Rate Model developed as part of this cost of service study should be <br />updated annually and used for long -term financial forecasting of the Fund and to <br />evaluate the likely impact of proposed Department operational changes. <br />• Based on a cursory review of the program, SCS did not identify any notable <br />inefficiencies within the Department operations. SCS recommends the County <br />conduct a more in -depth review of its program on a routine basis to identify <br />opportunities for revenue increase and expense reduction. <br />5.1 REVENUE INCREASE STRATEGIES <br />Because such a large component of the County's System is correlated with urban and rural <br />curbside recyclable material collection or drop -off, Orange County has historically relied heavily <br />on receiving substantial revenue from the sale of recyclable material to secondary markets. As <br />explained above, SCS recommends the Department set up an R &E fund to weather the <br />fluctuations in the recyclable commodities market and level any market pricing fluctuations over <br />extended timeframes. Other revenue increase strategies identified include: <br />• Evaluate potential for developing a regional transfer station. A transfer station could <br />provide revenue from outside sources in the form of tipping fees and offset the <br />current expense incurred from tipping County solid waste at the City of Durham <br />Transfer Station. <br />• Selling the Greene Tract of County -owned land, which currently does not increase the <br />quality of the Department Program, will generate significant one -time revenue. The <br />County should assess the market value of the property prior to any ownership transfer <br />in part or in full. <br />• The County currently budgets approximately $15,000 per year in interest revenue <br />from the Enterprise Fund balance. The estimated fund balance as of June 30, 2016 is <br />projected to be approximately $8.9 Million. This translates to an approximate annual <br />interest rate of 0.17 percent. SCS believes the County could benefit in the future from <br />an increase in interest revenue from its current investments. Any accrued interest <br />from unused loan monies could also be allocated to the Department to offset General <br />Fund revenue. <br />• Additional strategies such as increasing the collection of the Program Fee assessment, <br />charging commercial entities for organics collection services, allocating funds from <br />the General Fund to help cover the costs of storm event cleanup, and making efforts <br />3 4 <br />