SWAG agenda 091616
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 091616
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:08:52 PM
Creation date
9/10/2018 3:59:45 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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10 <br />Orange County, NC <br />Financial Plan and Rate Study for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />RATE MODEL SCENARIOS <br />SCS developed seven Rate Model scenarios to evaluate impacts to the Enterprise Fund financial <br />situation over the 5 -year planning period. Depending on the individual scenario, the Model <br />assesses net revenue needs if the Program Fee, other revenues, and operating costs equal those in <br />the Budget for FY 2016 -17 with inflation factors applied, known capital items accounted for, and <br />other adjustments made to specific line items as detailed in Appendix C: <br />• Scenarios 1 through 3 — Scenario 1 assumes status quo for the Department Solid <br />Waste Program Fee ($107 per year). Scenarios 2 and 3 increase the Program Fee <br />effective in FY 2016 -17 by $23 and $43, respectively, resulting in an assumed <br />Program Fee of $130 for Scenario 2 and $150 for Scenario 3. Scenario 1 is intended <br />to be used as a baseline or "Status Quo" scenario to enable comparisons of Scenarios <br />2 through 7. <br />• Scenario 4 — This scenario serves as an assessment of the required increase in the <br />Program Fee to balance projected operating expenses and revenues for solid waste <br />and recycling services. Scenario 4 assumes the Program Fee balances the Fund's <br />annual budget if other revenues and operating costs equal those projected in the <br />Budget for FY 2016 -17, dependent on the sub - scenario. This iteration serves as a <br />"break- even" analysis. <br />Scenario 5 — This scenario serves as an assessment of the required increase in the <br />contribution from the General Fund to balance projected operating expenses and <br />revenues for solid waste and recycling services if the Program Fee was permanently <br />eliminated effective in FY 2016 -17. It is assumed that the revenue to enable this <br />contribution would be generated by a Property Tax Rate increase. <br />• Scenario 6 — This scenario incorporates the revenues and expenses associated with a <br />hypothetical transfer station constructed and operated by Orange County and centrally <br />located (Eubanks Road area) to current County solid waste operations and the Towns <br />of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough. For purposes of the Model, revenues and <br />expense assumptions remain the same as in Scenario 1, and the approximated annual <br />net revenue from the transfer station is calculated and added to current revenues as <br />shown in Hypothetical Transfer Station Net Revenue Estimate (Appendix G). This <br />scenario then assesses the required Program Fee to balance the Fund's annual budget <br />and thus serves a break -even analysis. <br />• Scenario 7 — This scenario mimics Scenario 1 ( "Status Quo ") but assumes a <br />"phasing -out" of the annual General Fund Contribution and a gradual increase of the <br />Program Fee over the next 5 years. The respective Program Fee and General Fund <br />Contribution figures used for FY 2016 -17 through FY 2020 -21 are shown in the table <br />below (and also in Section 2.1.7, Exhibit 12). <br />ES -3 <br />
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