Orange County NC Website
In February 2017, Solid Waste Management staff met with an intern working with the Chapel Hill <br />Downtown Partnership and the Town’s Sustainability office to design a business promotion focused on <br />sustainability. Together, they toured the recycling and food waste collection sites in the Downtown <br />area, and subsequently the intern designed a “Sustainability Survey” for Downtown Partnership <br />members. Respondents of the survey are now eligible to be featured in the soon to be monthly <br />“Sustainability Spotlight” in the Downtown Partnerships e-newsletter and once per month during their <br />regularly scheduled WCHL interview. The first business will be featured on March 21, 2017. The project <br />was recently publicized in the Daily Tarheel: <br /> <br />partnership-highlights-sustainable-businesses <br />e)Long Term Recycling & Waste Reduction Planning Update <br />As we progress toward the second phase of the waste composition study scheduled to be conducted in <br />April, County staff has begun preliminary planning work for the waste reduction and recycling strategic <br />planning process that is to commence once the waste sorting activity is concluded. This planning <br />process is expected to take at least one year and will: <br />x examine existing programs for the potential to make operational improvements <br />x evaluate potential new programs or the expansion of existing programs <br />x consider all waste generation sectors (residential, institutional and business) <br />x assess regulatory and policy opportunities or impediments <br />x consider collection methodologies and equipment <br />x assess what additional waste reduction potential exists in Orange County wastes <br />x perform financial analysis of new or expanded programs <br />x assist in clarifying new waste reduction goal options <br />x consider technological alternatives <br />x evaluate/consider existing waste management facilities functionality and adequacy <br />x consider private waste hauler company impacts and roles <br />x other, as recommended by staff, SWAG or consultant <br />x solicit substantive public input <br />County staff will prepare a general outline of potential topics and process for discussion with Town staff. <br />Once a consensus work plan document is developed it will be presented to the SWAG for comment and <br />endorsement. It is expected that SCS Engineers will provide technical assistance to local government <br />staff in the conduct of this detailed and comprehensive planning effort. Staff anticipates that the study <br />will commence in June 2017 and be completed by summer of 2018. <br />f)Solid Waste Programs Fee – Public Assistance <br />The SWAG requested additional information regarding assistance available for those residents paying <br />the Solid Waste Programs Fee. Based on the 2016 query, about 835 people are receiving assistance due <br />to either having Homestead Exemption or having an income less than $29,500.