Orange County NC Website
P.O. Box 17177 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 -7177 (919) 968 -2885 FAX (919) 932 -2900 /recyclins <br />"0; <br />Orange County Solid Waste Management <br />Orange County Landfill (919) 932 -2989 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Solid Waste Advisory Group <br />From: Orange County Solid Waste Staff <br />Subject: Results of 2016 -17 Waste Composition Study <br />Date: December 4, 2017 <br />Attachments: Five <br />Orange Community Recycling (919) 968 -2788 <br />A $ <br />This memo summarizes work over the past year on internal government recycling and waste reduction <br />program investigation, education and improvements within the four local governments within Orange <br />County. <br />Background <br />Every few years the County conducts waste composition audits of the major County and Town buildings <br />to measure progress in recycling by analyzing how much recycling remains in the trash. Throughout <br />fiscal year 2016 -2017, Solid Waste staff, primarily intern Alex Gottschalk, conducted a series of these <br />waste composition studies or audits of trash from major government buildings in the County <br />(Attachment 1) and all three Towns (Attachments 2 - 4), the first since 2008. For County buildings the <br />amount of recyclables found in the trash by weight dropped from 28% in 2008 to 18 %, a decline of 33% <br />which represents significant progress. Similar comparative data was not available for the various Towns. <br />Following the audits, Solid Waste staff conducted a series of follow up face -to -face surveys (Attachment <br />5, survey blank form) and building walk - throughs with County Department heads, and Town of Chapel <br />Hill Department heads to clarify their the role of recycling and waste reduction activities in their <br />respective Departments and point towards future improvements. Only the County report contains <br />analysis of the survey results and delves more deeply into detailed findings as a result. Similar surveys <br />and walk- throughs are pending with the Towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough. <br />This memo summarizes the results and process of those audits and describes the process County staff <br />used for identifying possible improvements to current recycling and waste reduction activities <br />throughout local government. <br />Auditing Process <br />The four attached memos detail the results for each of the individual governments. Below is a summary <br />of the attached information. Because the previous waste audits were conducted in 2008 enough time <br />had gone by to assess progress by government employees and staff. Unannounced, Solid Waste staff <br />sequestered a load of trash from each major building in each government throughout late 2016 and <br />early 2017. Where multiple Departments occupied a single building, every effort was made to separate <br />trash by Department. Loads were then sorted and paper, cans and bottles, electronics, hazardous waste <br />(like batteries) and reusable items (like mugs or clothing) were weighed separately. Those buildings <br />with low occupancy or small in size were not included. Waste from public parks was not included either. <br />The table below summarizes the percentages by weight of recyclable materials found in the trash, <br />totaled for each government's buildings. Each of the attachments contains the audit details for the <br />individual government and provides an overall summary with building -by- building findings. This weight - <br />of- recyclables-in- the -trash metric is a surrogate for the success of the internal recycling efforts by the <br />various governments. While it was just a single day's trash from each major building, the collective <br />metric represents a reasonable estimate of ongoing performance. <br />