SWAG agenda 032818
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 032818
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DRAFT <br />Solid Waste Advisory Group Meeting Summary <br />DATE: March 23, 2017 <br />LOCATION: Solid Waste Administration Training Room <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Carrboro Mayor Lydia Lavelle, Carrboro Alderman Randee Haven - O'Donnell, Chapel Hill <br />Mayor Pam Hemminger, Chapel Hill Councilmember Michael Parker, Hillsborough Commissioner Mark Bell, <br />UNC- Chapel Hill Representative Brad Ives, UNC - Healthcare Representative Mel Hurston, Orange County <br />Commissioner Barry Jacobs, Orange County Commissioner Penny Rich <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Hillsborough Commissioner Brian Lowen, UNC - Chapel Hill Representative Matt Fajack <br />STAFF PRESENT: Carrboro Public Works Director JD Freeman, Chapel Hill Solid Waste Wendy Simmons, Chapel <br />Hill Public Works Director Lance Norris, Hillsborough Public Works Director Ken Hines, UNC -CH Solid Waste <br />Program Manager BJ Tipton, Orange County Manager Bonnie Hammersley, OC Solid Waste Management <br />Director Gayle Wilson, OC Solid Waste staff: Gordon Dively, Allison Lohrenz, Blair Pollock, Cheryl Young, Kristina <br />Witosky, and Kate Glass <br />Call to Order <br />Meeting Summary approval <br />• January 30 2017, Meeting Sun <br />• No changes to the Agenda pre <br />Financial Plan — Solid Waste Program Fee Options & Recommendations — Bonnie Hammersley, County <br />Manager <br />a) Hammersley indicated she had met with Town Managers about the fee and they had deferred to <br />county. She will be recommending the $128 program fee for FY17 -18 to the Board. This rate will sustain <br />current programs. The Towns do need to approve the increase so the County can implement the change <br />to that County representatives will be available for any town meetings. <br />b) Hammersley responded to several questions about using the solid waste fund balance upfront. <br />Hammersley indicated that the County is confident that the balance will be maintained. The <br />recommendation is based on a 5 -year outlook with 1 -year recommendations and includes annual fund <br />review and allows for an increase if necessary. <br />c) In response to questions about the mechanism for monitoring this fund and fee, Hammersley advised <br />that the interlocal agreement establishes internal oversight and frequent meetings of the managers to <br />monitor budget issues and to make recommendations to their respective governing boards after annual <br />evaluations of funds. <br />d) The goal is for the program fee to take effect on July 1, 2017. <br />Hemminger joined our group after this discussion and Jacobs asked for her opinion on this issue. Hemminger <br />advocating for a higher fee based on declining recyclables markets and forecast for continued decline and <br />strongly recommends that we consider higher fees now and better protection of the fund. Hammersley <br />responded that the $128 assumes $750,000 contribution from SW fund balance with goal to have 17% reserve. <br />Hammersley further advised after FY17/18 we will still have 28 % reserve in the SW fund and it will take 5 years <br />to get down to 17 %. Hammersley is confident funds available to maintain minimum 17% reserve in FY17/18. <br />Plus County conducts annual review. Hemminger asked if the fee decision based on assumptions the recycling <br />
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