Orange County NC Website
17 <br />Appendix II - MISCELLANEOUS <br />A. Holiday service. County shall be responsible for providing service and facility holiday <br />schedule to parties and to make a good faith effort to coordinate service schedules to the <br />extent practicable. <br />B. Storm debris management. County shall manage construction debris created by or from <br />severe storms at its Construction & Demolition Landfill. County shall provide debris <br />management sites for delivery of severe storm event vegetative debris. Emergency storm <br />debris collection and monitoring are the responsibility of each jurisdiction unless otherwise <br />noted in a separate MOU. <br />S. <br />C.D. julrisdiction using their staff in ceerdinatien with County staff.. TOWRS shall MeR!tE)r waste <br />fer. disposal. Geunty shall provide selid waste plan adV'Ge, review, and appFevals. <br />e.nfn_.rr_-.e_rne_nt staff in enfn_.rr_-.erAe_nt of landfill baRG OR privately GGlleGted waste GGntai%Fs. <br />Education and Outreach. County shall be responsible for the preparation, distribution, <br />expense, and coordination of education and outreach services related to waste <br />management, recycling, and reduction services and programs under its administration, <br />including advertising of holiday schedules. A multi -media approach will be utilized. <br />E. <br />respens <br />and timely manner _'' -1 <br />be <br />Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 0 ", <br />Hanging: 0.25" <br />Formatted: Indent: Left: 0 ", Hanging: 0.25 ", <br />Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, No <br />bullets or numbering <br />