Orange County NC Website
Memorandum <br />To: Solid Waste Advisory Group <br />W <br />From: Solid Waste and Public Works Staff of Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel <br />Hill and Hillsborough <br />Subject: Staff Follow -up from September 12 SWAG Meeting <br />Date: September 22, 2014 <br />At the September 12 SWAG meeting staff was requested to provide the following <br />information /recommendations: <br />• Provide suggestions regarding annual recycling fee and tipping fee notification timeline, and <br />• Combine Staff Interlocal Agreement Outline and Draft Interlocal Agreement (ILA revised per <br />SWAG edits) <br />Annual Tip Fee Notification Dates <br />There are two general categories of fees that have different budget preparation trajectories and <br />timelines. Tipping fees paid directly by facility users such as the Construction & Demolition disposal, <br />vegetative waste disposal and mattress recycling /disposal can be calculated more directly based on <br />year -to -date and historical data, including any preliminary estimates provided by the Towns on <br />anticipated future year usage. It is likely that reliable future budget year estimates for these fees could <br />be provided to the Towns by March 1 if necessary. <br />If the current 3 -R Fee recycling program funding mechanism is continued in the same fashion as <br />currently (directly assessing property owners through inclusion of the fees with the annual tax bill) there <br />are billing database management procedures and requirements that to a degree dictate the timing of <br />firm fee recommendations. These include incorporating all the splits /merges, new construction or <br />demolition, property ownership exchanges, updated commercial establishment and mobile home park <br />unit count updates, etc. that occurred during the previous year into the billing database. Fee estimation <br />calculations also include obtaining certificates of occupancy data from each of the three towns and <br />obtaining PIN data from Durham County on the portion of Chapel Hill in Durham County in order to <br />refine the calculation. These steps are necessary in order to determine accurate service cost estimates. <br />The number of units must accurately represent the unit billing divisor to calculate a per -unit billing unit <br />count. Field verifications are frequently required. For example, from a fee - setting perspective, it can <br />matter whether the total cost of a service is divided by 18,000 or 18,450. It is also a useful baseline from <br />which to calculate program performance metrics. These tasks are in addition to actually projecting the <br />coming year's expenditures and revenues for the various recycling programs. <br />There is considerable uncertainty presently on what type of recycling fees may ultimately be adopted by <br />the towns and county so determining the fee recommendation schedule at this point is difficult and <br />seems slightly out of sequence. The towns initially agreed to allow the county to charge recycling fees <br />within the towns, however that preliminary understanding could change as the county continues to <br />explore funding options. For instance, will the district tax concept or general fund financing of recycling <br />services be further considered? Or will availability fees or other types of fees be chosen? Or could it be <br />