SWAG agenda 092614
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAG agenda 092614
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Last modified
9/10/2018 4:44:23 PM
Creation date
9/6/2018 9:36:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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17 <br />some mix of funding mechanisms? Additionally, since the SWAG's stated preference and intentions are <br />that the towns and county staffs collaborate on fee recommendations, that collaborative process is at <br />present untested and may possibly extend the fee determination process. Therefore, it is difficult to say <br />what notification dates will be feasible to any degree of certainty. If a fee recommendation date is <br />mandated that necessitates a staff fee recommendation based on incomplete data, it will be necessary <br />to provide a conservative fee projection that may be greater than otherwise required. <br />The dates contained in the staff interlocal agreement outline [i.e., April 1 — Solid Waste Director <br />recommendation (advisory) and May 1 — County Manager recommendation to the BOCC] are therefore <br />suggested, pending final funding method determinations. <br />Merge of Staff Interlocal Agreement Outline and Draft Interlocal Agreement <br />The SWAG requested that Town and County staffs consolidate the two Draft Interlocal Agreement <br />documents discussed at the September 12 meeting into a single document and to also provide the <br />original Draft Interlocal Agreement for comparison. Staff was also to incorporate edits to the Draft <br />Interlocal Agreement made at the meeting by the SWAG. <br />Process <br />The following describes the staff approach to the document merging process: <br />• SWAG edits are incorporated into the Draft Interlocal Agreement in GREEN and, as requested, <br />do not include a tracking of the changes. <br />• Replaced language is simply deleted. <br />• Staff tried to use verbatim wording from SWAG to the extent possible. <br />• UNC -CH and UNC - Healthcare was added as instructed; however, it may not be relevant/ <br />applicable in certain sections of the draft agreement. <br />• Some additional wording adjustments may be necessary. <br />• Outline language is in RED and was inserted as bullets into apparent appropriate section within <br />Draft Interlocal Agreement <br />• Where Outline wording is identical or essentially identical (i.e., duplicative) to existing <br />Draft Interlocal Agreement language, it was not included or merged. <br />• In some cases, existing Draft language may be preferable by staff as opposed to Outline <br />language. <br />• Staff has not incorporated the Outline language into the body of the Draft Interlocal <br />Agreement; it is only illustrated in the appropriate section of the document. <br />Key Issues <br />Staff notes a few key issues for consideration by the SWAG: <br />• UNC -CH and UNC - Healthcare — Multiple ILA Section References <br />Incorporating UNC -CH and UNC - Healthcare into the existing draft agreement presents some <br />language and format challenges for the following reasons: <br />• neither entity currently receives county recycling services; <br />• each maintains their own internal comprehensive grounds keeping /landscaping <br />services; <br />• both use private waste hauling and disposal facilities; and <br />• they generally manage their own solid waste affairs. <br />
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