Orange County NC Website
Short -term Priority <br />Key Issue <br />Section of current DRAFT ILA <br />Additional Comments <br />Alternate technologies (not <br />Alternative technologies hold great promise but staff feels this issue, given the <br />burial) including but not limited <br />Diversion of organics referenced in <br />other pressing waste management issues, is better delayed for future <br />to organics collection and <br />Section VI article E. <br />consideration by a detailed amendment. Existing ILA language or inclusion in the <br />processing (possibly including <br />mission of a future advisory body would seem to sanction or empower ILA <br />biosolids), Waste -to- Energy, <br />members to proceed to evaluate and examine a wide range of possible <br />etc. <br />technologies. <br />How to involve UNC CH & UNC <br />UNC and UNC Hospital are both invited and encouraged to be part of ILA. When <br />Hospital <br />UNC and the Hospital are ready to participate the ILA can easily be amended to <br />incorporate them. <br />Long -term Priority <br />Key Issue <br />Section of current DRAFT ILA <br />Additional Comments <br />Future use of closed LF sites <br />Long term issue. <br />Reducing SW not <br />Section VI article C <br />Section VI article C addresses existing ordinance (RRMO) regarding solid waste, <br />recycled /Regulatory <br />including landfill bans, illegal dumping, etc. Further investigation of solid waste <br />reduction initiatives may include: regulatory approaches such as landfill bans, <br />further promotion of backyard composting, PAYT and other economic and non- <br />economic incentives. This issue is important but does not seem to be a high <br />priority matter given other, more pressing solid waste business. It would seem <br />appropriate that a new advisory entity could evaluate and make <br />recommendations on these issues either at the request of one or more ILA <br />members or self- initiated. <br />Partnerships w/ neighboring <br />While generally appealing it does not appear to be an immediate priority, but <br />jurisdictions <br />rather a longer term issue. <br />